Searching for the Phattie! profile picture

Searching for the Phattie!

RIP Justin Lawien & Gabriel Ingallina

About Me

My full name in Vicente Nicolas Herrera. I am currently taking this semester off and working full time at Mountainside Fitness as a Personal Trainer. I am taking this year off, then planning on going to ASU next fall. I love my family...they are always there when I need them. I was born in phoenix and lived in c-town all my life. But I did get away to hawaii and minnesota for a year each. Hawaii was one of the best times of my life. I love it there, can't wait to go back. I love watching sports. I love waking up on a saturday and sunday and watch college and nfl football. Also, I love watching baseball and golf. I can sit and watch almost any sport. Not sure what else to say, but just ask me if you want to know more!~P.S. I hate hoes! Below explains it all.

My Interests

Sports, sport, sports, oh and sports. I am a hardcore sports man. I love to watch all sports, most of the time. I like to lift weights, play golf, basketball, etc. sometimes write, play guitar, wanna learn piano better

I'd like to meet:

Johnny Cash, Hank Williams Sr., Pat Tillman...someday...

I'd also like to meet a girl...not a slut that sits in front of her mirror 23 hours out of the day. Someone who isnt caught up in money, partying and stuff like that. Don't get me wrong, I like money, partying and looking good. But in reality that will all come naturally at some point in life. I just want to find someone who is down to earth and is fun to hang out with everyday. And also, I want someone who is going to pursue me as much as i pursue them. I'm talking about calling or wanting to do something as much as I do with them. It's the 21st century's not always on the guy to call or ask someone out on a date. I'd rather have it the other way around, but when a girl initiates things it really lets a guy know that they are interested in them. I just want to me a good girl...sluts, bitches, hoes...just keep on walking! haha

The Ultimate Purity Test

Overall score : 31% pure (69% experienced).
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Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor


Eminem , Red Hot Chili Peppers , George Strait ......Rap, Rock, Alternative, Classic Rock, R&B, Country, Hawaiian, Reggae, Jazz, some Emo, some heavy metal...Like: Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Incubus, Weezer, Bob Marley, Alan Jackson, CCR, Steve Miller Band, Pink Floyd, Radiohead, ColdPlay, Oasis, Grateful Dead, Neil Young, Bruce Springstein, Willie Nelson and a lot more...God's Gonna Cut You Down Video - Johnny Cash lyrics .. Johnny Cash Music Video Codes Music Video Codes by VideoCure Myspace Layouts


Harold & Kumar Go To WhiteCastle!!!! Rounders, Rocky, Sandlot, Spaceballs(a classic), Friday, SuperTroopers, The Departed...and the Last Samurai!


Only shows I love on tv are the simpsons, family guy, Still Standing and seinfeld...


Pat Tillman ...enough said!...........and my MOM!

My Blog

Dylan Miles...Minnesota

Oh, broken heart,Don't go dying on me now,I know we've fallen apart,But can we go another round  She thought loving you was just a game,And it tore you into a broken shame,I guess loving her ...
Posted by Searching for the Phattie! on Fri, 25 Aug 2006 05:21:00 PST