Dancing with fire!, Dreaming, reading and writing, conversation, learning, healing/being healed, Inspireing people to break out of the box, moon lite nights and sunny days, listening to the rain, !music!, eye contact, spending time with family and friends, meeting new people, spirituality
Anyone who can inspire me to grow past the sun and shine in the dark.
Willie Nelson's public statement regarding being caught with a bag of
Marijuana earlier this week:
"It's a good thing I had a bag of Marijuana" instead of a bag of spinach.I'd be dead by now
Watch your thoughts:
they become your words
Watch your words:
they become your actions
Watch your actions:
they become your habits
Watch your habits:
it becomes your character
Watch your Character:
it becomes your destiny
Energy Medicine by Donna Eden Healing Sounds by Jonhathan Goldmen The Promise of ENERGY PSYCHOLOGY by David Feinstein