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The first step to world peace: &nbsp Inner Peace

About Me

So you want to know about me eh, well thats not an easy undertaking! I can be very complicated. But then somtimes im pretty simple. It kinda depends on the moon being that im a lunatic. But I have gotten used to it. Im not sure my friends have tho. I try to look at the world with an open mind. Everything happens for a reason. Thats hard to remember somtimes. I look at life like it is nothing more than a school. We are here to learn. I find some lessons are very hard to learn, and others are rather easy. I like to look for a deeper meaning in things, that somtimes makes me go crazy. I tend to be a nice guy and so I tend to finish last. I try to always have a good time. I like to have fun.
&nbsp As my life unfolds and I learn my lessons I find my self feeling like im on display. All the world laughs when I slip and fall. Then it occurs to me that all the world is a stage. We are all on display and we are all actors playing our own role in life. This show is all improv so there is no need in trying to remember your lines. Just develop the character that you choose to play. Everyone gets there turn in the spotlight, and we all have played the supporting role. A story is only as good as the characters in it, so instead of worrying about who is in the audience or where the spotlight is pointed I try to just work on my character

My Interests

Dancing with fire!, Dreaming, reading and writing, conversation, learning, healing/being healed, Inspireing people to break out of the box, moon lite nights and sunny days, listening to the rain, !music!, eye contact, spending time with family and friends, meeting new people, spirituality

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who can inspire me to grow past the sun and shine in the dark.

&nbsp&nbsp Willie Nelson's public statement regarding being caught with a bag of Marijuana earlier this week: "It's a good thing I had a bag of Marijuana" instead of a bag of spinach.I'd be dead by now

Watch your thoughts:
&nbsp&nbsp they become your words
Watch your words:
&nbsp they become your actions
Watch your actions:
&nbsp they become your habits
Watch your habits:
&nbsp it becomes your character
Watch your Character:
&nbsp it becomes your destiny




Energy Medicine by Donna Eden Healing Sounds by Jonhathan Goldmen The Promise of ENERGY PSYCHOLOGY by David Feinstein

My Blog

The wind of change

In the end things allways end the way they were before. Change is a constant evolution will always happen. But it is all just a cycle a pattern to life. So then it will repeat itself. Where do you jud...
Posted by James on Mon, 15 May 2006 06:06:00 PST

Matter Dematerialized

Strange things seem to happen day in and day out. I think I would get bored if I lived a normal life. Thank goodness for complications. I mean If life was really that easy I would just sleep right tho...
Posted by James on Sat, 11 Mar 2006 03:09:00 PST

WTF is going on

    Does anybody know what the fuck is going on? The world is crazy sometimes, im just going with the flow hoping the current will take me some where. Magic does happen, you just have t...
Posted by James on Mon, 06 Feb 2006 09:47:00 PST