Since we live in Washington the weather doesn't always cooperate but when it is nice I want to be doing something outdoors. I can't say that I only like to be outside in nice weather because winter sports are fun and I like to play in the rain, too. As for going out, I love the Ale House, the Swiss, Jazz Bones and some little dive bars for darts. I love the beach, Kalaloch is one of my favorites but Ocean Shores and Westport will do in a pinch. As for vacation, Australia hopefully someday but Alaska for 2007.
In general, interesting people who make me laugh, make me think or both. I really like to reconnect with people that I haven't heard from in a while. I am working on a skydiver's reunion so if you use to skydive at Blue Skies in Shelton, contact me.
I like alternative music mostly. Some of my favorite bands are System of a Down, Queens of the Stone Age, Jack Johnson, and a local favorite, Jude Bowerman (his older stuff is my favorite).
MEN IN TREES!!!, Grey's Anatomy, Ellen, Survivor, One Tree Hill, ER, Amazing Race, The Shield, Law & Order...
I read so much that I couldn't list all of my favorites. I like mystery/detective type books.