I love writing music-Hanging out with my yout.. width="425" height="350" ..
.. width="425" height="350" ..Anyone I havent already.Sorry IM doing this quiz. I got bored. Enjoy.
All aBouT YooH...
o1. TheY CaLl yOu Colt
o2. bEeN lIviN iT Up siNce 1986
o3. CriB lOcaTioN Rock Hill Sc
o4. pIerCinGs 0
o5. hEigHt 5"8
o6. eYe cOloR Blue
o7. HaiR ColOr Dirty Blonde /Brown
08. KanT lIve WithOut God
WhIch oNe iS It...
o9. CokE or pEpsI Coke
1o. sHamPoo or cOndiTioneR Both...But that swan is still looking at me.
11. sParKle or sHinE What??
12. mIlkShakE or SmoOthIe Seriously couldnt tell ya the difference
13. sTarbUcks or cOldsTonE Cold Stone
14. bAckstReeT bOys or NSYNC Im Straight
15. eX or Oh What??
16. ChinEese or MexIcAn Chinese
17. bEacH or lAke Good things come from both
18. AM or PM PM
19. lOvE or LusT LOVE
2o. spIce giRlz or dIxI cHix Both annoy me
21. vAniLla or cHocoLate Vanilla
22. pErsoNalIty or LooKs Personality
23. Tv or rAdIo Both
24. jEanS or sKirT Well on me Id say......Skirt (What....)
25. cRazIi or LaZii Crazy
26. aIm or fOnE Phone but AIM if I have to
27. rAin or sHinE Shine
28. aBerCromBie or hOlisTer My budget wont allow me to answer that
29. tEnnIs sHoeS or FliPflOpz Tennis Shoes
3o. hAt or sUnglAssEs Hat
31. tHonG or bOy CuT this must be a girls survey
32. CAke ir IcecReaM niether
33. ReaLitY or FantAsy Fantasy
34. mTv or CmT VH1
35. sWeeT or SouR How about Sweet and Sour Chicken
36. fUnnY mOvIe or SaD MoviE Comedies For Life
37. pEanUt bUtteR or JellY P-Nut Butter
38. ChaPstIck or lIpGloSs I only use Chapstick
4o. GAC or cea Lost again
HavE yOu eVeR...
41. gOt dRunK No
42. GoT hiGh On Jesus
43. gOne sKinnY dIpPinG In the Bath tub
44. bEen oN a PlaNe yes
45. wHat aBouT a tRaiN No way
46. dAncEd iN thE raIn Ive fallen in the rian
47. hAve yOu evEr goNe sTreaKinG From bathroom to my room down the hall
48. tRuelY beEn iN lOvE Just with Jesus
49. BeEn iN a cAsT PLay Cast yeah
5o. bEeN oN sTagE To much
51. cOloR Blue/Orange
52. MovIe Pulp Fiction/ScarFace/Fight Club/UNbreakable
53. SingEr // BanD Jimi Hendrix/Van Halen/ Lyn Skyn/ Shane and Shane/ David Crowder
54. RadiO sTatiOn 99.7 The FOX
55. sOnG Free Bird
56. FooD Pizza or Sake EXPRESS
57. SpoRt Football
58. sTate Sc
59. sHoP Tillman Music and Sound
6o. sAyiNg Hey Buddy
61. aCtrEss // aCtoR Comedy- Adam Sandler/ Drama- DOnt have just one
62. ResTurAunT Sake
64. sHoW Seinfeld and Arrested Devleopment and 24
65. cAnDy Dove- Sounds gay but that choc is awesome alright
iN a Guy // gIrL...
66. hAir ColOr Brown/ Blondish Brown
67. EyE cOloR Green or Blue
68. Lable -
69. PhySicaL fEaTuRe Smile and Eyes
7o. pErsOnalIty Sweet and Goofy and in Love with Jesus
71. hEiGht whatever
72. lOokS However God Made her
="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/JzqumbhfxRo"I Love Music. Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Lyrnyrd Skynyrd, Van Halen, Def Leppard, Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Foo Fighters, 3 Doors Down, James Taylor, Jet. One of my favorite bands out right now is The David Crowder Band. They have Myspace so check them out. I also love Shane and Shane, Relient K, Dc Talk, and many others.
I love pretty much a lot of movies. So just think of a movie and If its a well written movie then You could probably add it to this list. Heres Some, Tommy Boy, Black Sheep, Joe Dirt, Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, Big daddy, Mr. Deeds, The Wedding Singer, Old School, Anchorman, Dumb and Dunmber, Pulp Fiction, Resevoir Dogs, UNbreakable, Signs, Sixth Sense, The Village, Kill Bill Vol. 1&2, Jackie Brown, Full Metal Jacket, The Shining, ANy Bruce Lee movie, Any James Bond movie, The Good the Bad and the Ugly, ONce upon a Time in the West, Fist full of dollars, Fist full of Dynamite, Spider Man 1&2, The Original Two Batman, extreme Days. Ill write more later.This is a trailer for a film I made for the middle schoolers at Oakdale Baptist. Enjoy!.. width="425" height="350" ..
Seinfeld, Arrested Development, Saturday Night Live (it has its ups and downs) Everbody Loves Raymond, Chappelle Show, Family Guy, King of Queens, Agua Teen,(sounds stupid but the show cracks me up) and FOOTBALL
The Bible, Jesus Freaks 1&2, Mere Christianity, Fresh Wind Fresh Fire
Life Hero and Ultimate Hero-Jesus. . . . . . .