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adopt your own virtual pet!AKevyn Aucoin: The Makeup God. Madonna: She has come a long way. She is so classy now, and she keeps making great new music OMG.
I love it all, Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman (Time to Say Goodbye), Etta James (At LAst), Beyonce (Check on it). These are just a few, I like rap and country also. I don't think that there is a style out there that I can't appreciate. I don't like it all thats for sure. I feel that I am pretty well rounded....src="http://counters.gigya.com/wildfire/CIMP/JnB* PTEyMDE*Njk1NDc2NTYmcD1Qcm9qZWN*cGxheWxpc3QmZD*mbj1teXNwYWNl .jpg" /
Project runway. Ummmmm, Sopranos and Desprate house Wives. I really don't watch t.v.that much....
Kevyn Aucoin'....