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Music is the entity of the soul. Creating life in music, words in relation to life, and memories... artist that have meaning to me go from Radiohead to Ella Fitzgerald, Sinatra to Talib Kweli. They all have meaning, and music that is from the heart. Others I like... The Beatles, Billie Holiday, Fiona Apple, Jack Johnson, Erykah Badu, Rage Against the Machine, Doors, and many more. :)
V for Vendetta, Memento, Blow, Fight Club, Garden State, Wedding Crasher, Grandmas Boy, Little Miss Sunshine, I like the Notebook too damn sappy love stories. Children of Men (damn the Clive Owen) :) .....
I really hardly watch TV. its either all lies.. or depressing stories one after another. The truth is TV should be taking to talk about something important, yet things people should care about are not broadcasted and instead we get PARIS FUCKIN HILTON on ever fuckin NEWS channel. WTF IS THAT!!!!!.. that hoe is not important, but just shows how TV makes people that much more stupid.
Currently reading.. Ask A Mexican. Interesting stuff I didnt even know about Mexican culture.
My father, he is the strongest person i have ever met. He is a hard working man that has done everything for his family. And even when he got his heart attack and his heart stopped 6 times he still managed to make it back to us. It truely is a miracle and no one expected him to be alive but he is. :)