%D%A Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle... %D%A %D%A
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Which Sexy Are You?
MY RESULT: Classic Sexy
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The sexy you exude is the black satin, roses and wine sexy that’s all over the romance flicks. And your crushes will love you for it.%D%A
%D%AThe nice thing about this breed of sexiness is that it’s totally recognizable. Classic Sexy is the universal language of sexy – bust out your suave, romantic gestures and the honeys will be able to read you loud and clear. Here’s the downside: after a while, it gets a little predictable. So be sure to mix up your routine with some creative stuff every once in a while. How about Funny Hat Day? (Nah.)
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%D%A Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle... %D%A %D%A
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What's Your Sense of Humor?
%D%AMY RESULT: Juvenile
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There’s nothing funnier in the world than underpants and toilets. Thank you for realizing that.%D%A
%D%A“Juvenile†is the most universal form of humor. Little kids think it’s funny, old people think it’s funny. Intellectual people think it’s funny, too, but they probably won’t admit it. We’re proud of you for being confident enough in your own intelligence to admit that farts make you giggle. Fart on, comrade.
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%D%A Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle... %D%A %D%A
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Where Will You Be In 10 Years?
%D%AMY RESULT: At the Mall, Trolling for Dates
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You put dating and making out above all else. That’s why in ten years you’ll be free, single and looking for hotties everywhere you go.%D%A
%D%ASound depressing? Nah, it'll be fun. Let all your friends go out and get hitched, and meanwhile, you have open access to all the babes! Sounds like a plan to us.
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