I am here for Friends

About Me

I am 19 years old. I go to Amelia High School. I like to play guitar. I like Green Day and a lot of other bands. I was working with the football team at my school, i was the vidio manager, but the season is over. i am single, and lookin 4 that 1 girl that wont hurt me. if u want a guy that would never hurt u, that guy is me. if u want a caring and loving guy like me all u have to do is ask. i am very sweet romantic, caring, and even loving. i will do anything 4 the girl of my dreams. i will take care of them and be there 4 them when they need someone to talk 2. they will always have a shoulder to cry on if they need one all u have to do is ask. i am goin 2 be graduating on may 23rd cant wait. i start college in june, i am getting my criminal justice degree. if u want a guy that will treat i right that wont hurt u, that will always be there 4 u. that guy is me. i would do anything 4 that 1 girl. i would die 4 that 1 girl. .... ..I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
.. ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------


Name:: john
Age:: 19
Time started:: 7:30
x[Answer With 100% Honesty..*
What color is your underwear?: a color
Whats on your mind right now?: someone very special 2 me
Do you think you are attractive?: yes
do you watch disney channel?: yea
have you done something bad today?: no
do you bite your nails?: yes
are you jealous of someone right now?: no
what is your mood right now?: witch mood do u want
have you had an eating disorder?: no
do you want to see someone this very minute?: yes
do you have a deep dark secret?: yes
do you hate someone right now?: no
who/what do you want to hug right now?: someone very special
are you loyal?: yes
are you in denial?: no
wouldn't you rather be having sex right now?: no
who is your best friend?: elijah
have you ever consumed alcohol?: yes
do you like someone?: yes
does anyone like you?: yes
is it going anywhere with them?: not yet but i hope we will soon
did you answer all these questions honestly?: yes
Spell your name without vowels: (aeiou): jhn tmthy grvr
What is the date 2 days after your birthday?:: 10/10
How many pairs of jeans do you own?:: alot
What color do you wear most?:: idk
What's for dinner tonite?:: idk
Anyone ever said you resemble a celebrity?:: idr
Least favorite color?:: pink, purple
How do you make money?:: stealing it lol not, borrowing
How's the weather?:: nice
What chores do you have around the house:: none
Last myspace message you recieved?: a message from some special 2 me
x[The 5 W's..*
who is your best friend?: eli
who do you like?: some one very special
who is your mom?: lynn
who bought you the clothes your wearing?: idk
who is at your house? mom
who loves you?: someone
who said hey to you today?: eli
who are you talking to right now?: ashley lewis
what town do you live in?: 513 cincy
what are you wearing?: jeans and a t-shirt
what do your teeth look like?: good
what are you doing in an hour?: idk
what is your middle name?: timothy
what is your deepest secret?: i am not telling u
what are you doing tomorrow?: church
what is your boy/girlfriends middle name?: i am not telling u
what is in this for you?: idk
what are you sitting on?: computer chair
where are you at right now?: living room
where were you at at 12 noon today?: my aunts i think
where is your toothbrush at?: bathroom
where do you sleep?: my room
where do you live?: my house
where were you at at 7pm yesterday?: toms house
where is your boy/girl friend?: her house
where are your parents?: living room, and at work
where did you put your bookbag?: my room
when are you getting a job?: i am trying 2
when did you graduate?: in 3 monthes hell yea
when will you grow up?: i am
when are you going to call your bestfriend?: i already did
when did you get home last night?: idr am
when are you going to stop taking surveys?: idk
when was the last time you had a fruit smoothie?: idr
why are you taking this?: i'm bored
why are you weird?: i'm not
why are you wearing what your wearing right now?: idk
why dont you have friends?: i do have friends
why do you live where your at?: i lost my house
x[Are you spoiled? no well sometimes
[ ] own car:
[ x] cell phone: x
[ ] own phone line:
[ x] bf/gf:
[x ] own bathroom: x
[x ] own room: x
[ ] 2 or more story house:
[ x] built-in pool:
[ ] guest house:
[ x] game room( kinda of):
[ x] tv in your room:
[ ] Double Bed:
[ ] more than 20 pairs of shoes:
[ ] 10+ things from a designer store:
[x ] good grades:
[ ] iPod:
[ x] ps2:
[ ] ps3:
[ x] mp3 player:
[ ] Mercedes Benz:
[ ] basketball hoop:
[ x] pool table:
[ ] trampoline:
[ ] has a beach house/ cabin:
[ ] only child:
[x ] stereo system in bedroom:
[x ] DVD player in bedroom:
[ ] gets £50+ for allowance each month:
[ ] makeup:
[x ] cologne/perfume:
[ ] msn messenger:
[x ] 5+ trophies:
[ ] 1000+ buddies on messenger:
[ ] own digital camera:
[ ] electric scooter:
[ x] met a celeb:
[ ] straightener/ curling iron:
[ ] 100+ in wallet/ purse right now:
[x ] 1+ BEST friends:
[ ] went on a trip for sweet sixteen birthday:
[x ] moved 3+ times:
[x ] pet(s):
[x ] dont have a job.:
[x ] alarm clock:
[ x] eat-out almost everyday:
[x ] home-cooked meal almost everyday:
[ x] been in a limo:
[ ] own camcorder:
[ ] own laptop:
[x ] own desktop computer:
25+ means your spoiled
x[Little More Randomness..*
Do you still talk to the person you had your first kiss with?: no
What would you do with 1,000 plastic spoons?: idk
What is the best thing about your job?: i dont have 1
Quote a song lyric?: your eyes when we said are goodbyes
Are most of the friends in your life new or old?: new and old
If you could be an animal what would you be?: panther
Tell us about the last conversation/s you had.: it was a good 1
What is your favorite smell?: idk
What is your favorite sight?: seeing my gf
Have you ever gone to therapy?: no
Have you ever toilet-papered someone's house?: no
Have you ever played Spin the bottle?: yes
Have you ever liked someone but never told them?: yes
Have you ever had a crush on your sister's friend?: yes
Have you ever gone camping?: yes
Have you ever had sex on the beach?: no
Have you ever had a stalker?: yes
have you ever laughed so hard you cried?: yes
Have you ever felt betrayed by your best friend?: idk
Have you ever lied to your parents?: yes
Have you ever thrown up from working out?: no
Do you think O.J. killed his wife?: yes
Do you close your eyes on roller coaster?: no
Have you ever been searched by the cops?: yes
Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?: with some one else
Do you have a secret that no one knows but you?: yes
Have you ever been punched in the face?: no but i punched some one in the face
Last Person you called:: idk
last person to call you:: idk
last time you spoke to your best friend:: earlier
what your last recieved text say? from who?: dont have text
what does your last sent txt say? to who?: dent send
your last hug from:: someone
last thing you ate:: white castle
last thing you drank:: coke
last person you IMed:: ashley lewis
last person you argued with:: my mom
last time you was in school:: friday
last time you jumped on a picture:: idk
the last time that you went somewhere and you enjoyed it:: mall yes
last place you went:: job huntting
last games console you played on:: ps2
the game you played on it:: bolders gate
last film you watched::step up 2
last tv show you watched:: idr
last song you heard:: a song by akon
have you enjoyed this survey:: idk
what time is it:: 5:51
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True Friends and more

Are you in a group?: yes
If yes, whos in it?: elijah, charlene, ashley, beth, and many more
Has this always been your group?: no
Be honest: who is your friend with the weirdest relationship?: idk
have you met all your friends BF's and BG's?: no
What song reminds you of your girls/guys?: your eyes (the song i made)
Are you angry with any of them right now?: no
Is there something you want to tell them?: yes
Name a friend whos name starts with the letter J:: justin
Which friend can dissappear and when u talk again its like nothings changed: idk
Have more than one bestfriend?: yes
Do you miss any of them?: yes
New Friends
Who's a new guy friend?: steven, jon
A new girl thats a friend?: ashley tippitt
How close are you to them?: i am closer with steven and john, but i can become good friends with charlene because she is my friends gf, and me and ashley t can be good friends
Who is the silliest?: elijah
are you in love with any of them?: like brother and sister
Name one who has a cute smile:: ciera
Are any of them blonde?: yes
Did you live with them?: kinda eli
Old Friends
Who is your oldest friend?: eli
Is he/she still your friend?: yes
Who was your highschool group?: wow 2 many 2 say
Whos the party animal?: eli
Whos the quiet one?: ciera
Who TRUELY understands you?: elijah
Have any of your "friends" gone shady?: idk
Any last words?: i love u guys like family
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myspace ? survey

name: john
nicknames: ice man
age: 19
birthday: 10-8-88
location: cincinnati
school/grade: 12 yea go seniors!!!!!
backgrounds: idk
siblings: 1 older sister
straight/bi/gay: straight
job: looking
hair color: brown
eye color: brown
height: 5'7
ethnicity: white
label: idk
look like a celeb: idk
dye your hair: no
have bangs: yes
have braces: no
wear glasses: yes
wear contacts: no
piercings: did
tattoos: i am going to
color: blue, black
movie: marine
tv show: deal or no deal
animal: snake
food: pizza
drink: mountain dew
alcoholic drink: beer
car: mutang gt
day of the week: friday
season: summer
song: many
sport: football
radio station: kiss 107.1
resturant: many
teacher: mr. B
class: english
holiday: christmas
quote: idk
book: bible
magazine: idk
flower: rose
memory: being with ariel
tv channel: idk
person you hugged: ariel
person you kissed: idr
thing you said: idr
thing you ate: pizza
imed: nothing
texted: nothing
you called: no one
called you: eli
person you saw: eli
you have a long convo with: eli
prettiest: charlene
stupidest: idk
smartest: eli
best house: eli
best car: eli
best parents: eli
loudest: eli
funniest: ashley
craziest: eli
most shy: idk
always has a boyfriend/girlfriend: idk
always has parties: eli
best girl friend: charlene
best guy friend: eli
known the longest: ashley
known the shortest: charlene
look up to the most: eli
opinionated: idk
athletic: eli
most likely to pass out drunk: eli
to go streaking: eli
become a cop: me
become famous: eli
kill someone: eli
try to take over the world: eli
summer or winter: summer
dog or cat: dog
pepsi or coke: pepsi
cellphone or ipod: ipod
ocean or pool: ocean
black or white: both
chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
flowers or candy: flowers
rock or rap: rap
tv or movie: movie
aim or myspace: both
stars or hearts: stars
bracelet or necklace: both
gold or silver: both
brunette or blonde: blonde
kisses or hugs: both
pen or pencil: both
lb or oc: idk
drank: yes
smoked: yes
failed a test: yes
had sex: no
been home alone: yes
stayed home from school: yes
been to the mall: yes
bought a book: no
been to a show/concert: no
yelled at someone: yes
got into a fight/argument: yes
cried to a friend: yes
told the truth: yes
told a lie: no
been out of state: yes
iN Y0UR R00M
tv: yes
your own phone: no
your own phone line: no
vcr: yes
dvd player: yes
radio: yes
computer: no
posters: yes
of what?: marines
pictures: yes not up yet
of who?: me, tiger
taken or single: single and hate it
got a crush: did
name pleaseee: ariel
how far have you gone: not that far
how far do you want to go: idk
last person you said i love you to: ariel
1::: eli
2::: charlene
3::: toni (sis)
4::: morgen (niece)
5::: dad
6::: grandma
7::: my bro in law matt
8::: ashley
9::: janie & alyason
10::: sara
1::: jeus
2::: ariel
3::: friends
4::: family
5::: cars
6::: knives
7::: guns
8::: relationships
9::: my dog
1::: school
2::: homework
3::: seap
4::: pre cal
5::: not having a girlfriend
6::: not having my l's
7::: not having a car
8::: living in an apartment
1::: jesus
2::: girlfriend
3::: friends
4::: family
5::: computer
6::: cigs
7::: phone
1::: shirt
2::: jeans
3::: socks
4::: shoes
5::: necklece
6::: ring
1::: smoking
2::: being with a girl
3::: out somewere
4::: playing a game
5::: singing
1::: walmarts
2::: game stop
3::: eb games
4::: willis music
1::: gun
2::: ammo/cigs
3::: matches/liter
1::: having a girlfriend
2::: my guns
1::: ariel
DiD Y0U...
like the survey: i guess
wish it were over 5 minutes ago: idc
lie about anything: no
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130 Things People Want To Know About You

.: The Basics :.
Name?: john
Age?: 19
Gender?: male
Location?: my room
Hair color?: brown
Eye color?: brown
shoe size?: 9-10
height?: 5'7
interests:: shooting gun
.: Favourites :.
food: pizza
drink: beer/coke
music style: rap
music artist/band: afroman
tv show: deal or no deal
movie: any horror movie
thing to do: sing,smoke
ice cream: chacolate
colour: blue
song: many
book: bible
computer game: idk
board game: monapoly
dessert: idk
quote: idk
animal: snake
holiday: christmas
number: 8
name: john
.: Friendship :.: what
who's your best friend?: eli
other close buddies...?: charlene
last friend you hung out with: eli
last friend you hugged: idr
last friend you saw a movie with: eli
last friend's house you went to: eli
any friends you cant stand?: idk
any friends you've regretted becoming friends with?: no
if so, who?: none
do you have a lot of friends of the opposite sex?: yes
most annoying friend?: idk
most preppy friend?: eli
darkest friend?: idk
hyper-est friend?: ashley
nicest friend?: charlene
funniest friend?: eli
meanest friend?: idk
most outgoing friend?: eli
shyest friend?: idk
hottest friend?: ciera
friend with the best personality?: eli
friend with the best music taste?: eli
friend who sings the best?: ashley
friend who laughs the most?: eli
friend you enjoy being around the most?: eli
friend who your parents love?: eli
friend who your parents hate?: idk
friend your parents don't know about?: idk
.: Romance :.
got a crush/boyfriend?: yes
if so, what gender?: female
name?: ariel
how far have you gone?: just hugged
with who?: ariel
the last person you kissed:: idk
the last person you hugged:: ariel
the last person you wanted to kiss:: ariel
how far you do want to go (at this point in life)?: idk
hottest friend?: charlene
hottest celebrity?: venessa
if you could date any famous person, who would it be?: vebessa h
dream date:: idk
dream honeymoon:: idk
age you want to get married (if not already): 21-25
number of kids you want to have (if not already): 2-3
straight?: yes
gay?: no
bi?: no
would you rather your boyfriend/girlfriend be gay or bi?: stright
.: This or That :.
Kerry or Bush: bush
rap or rock: rap
pop or country: country
movie or tv show: movie
girl or guy: girl
fire or water: fire
death or life: does it matter
cheerleader or punk: cheerleader
prep or jock: both
kroger or publix: idk
walmart or target: walmart
avril or jay-z: both
pink or black: black
cheez it or cheese nip: none
cat or dog: dog
tape or glue: tape
msn or .. aim
mall or movies: both
writing or typing: typing
phone or computer: both
baseball or football: football
p.e. or health: p.e.
high school or middle school: high school
dunkin donuts or starbucks: both
amc or united artists: idk
walgreens or CVS: walgreens
brownies or cookies: idc
reading or writing: both
surveys or polls: both
livejournal or xanga: idk
Yellowcard or Ashlee Simpson: idk
AFI or Jojo: idk
Green Day or Beastie Boys: green day
kill or be killed: both
eat or be eaten: eat
hate or be hated: hate
ocean or pool: both
singing or dancing: both
heart or peace sign: idk
halloween or christmas: both
question or answer: idk
fear factor or the o.c.: fear factor
the simpsons or who's line is it anyway?: who's line is it anyway
Disney or The N: idk
pancakes or waffles: waffles
strawberrys or blueberrys: both
yogurt or frozen yogurt: none
kiss or hug: both
guitar or drums: both
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-About your life-

All about you!
What is your full name?: john timothy grover
How old are you?: 19
Where do you live?: cincinnati
Do you care about what others think of your physical appearance?: kinda
Do you believe in love?: yes
I am determined to...?: find a girlfriend
I'll fight for...?: anything
Are you talkative?: idk
Are you unique?: yes
Do you swear?: sometimes
My heart is...?: hurtting
Do you belive in karma?: yes
Do you have a lot of different friends?: yes
Do you have any regrets?: yes
About your bf/gf
Was it love at first sight?: yes
How long have you been dating?: its over
Can you open up to them more than anyone else?: yes
Can you cry in front of them?: yes
Can you kiss them in public?: yes
Can you kiss them in front of your parents?: yes
Color?: blue
Food?: pizza
Store?: walmarts
Song?: many songs
Finish the sentence
If I were: in love
I would: be talking to my girlfriend
it would be: cool to have a girl friend
the: day was ok
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site

you should do this survey . its pretty sweet.
So, you wanna answer some questions ? here they are.
So, buddy,whats your name?: john
hmm . thts nice. How about your age?: 19
i see... Whats your reason for taking this ?: i am bored
wht if ur bf/gf/crush showed up on your door step rite now?: i would be very happy
do you like BuzzLightYear or Woody better ?: idk
Who are your BFF's ?!: eli, ashley l, ashley t, ciera, and many more
do you like drawing on stuff?: kinda
how about your hands?: what
have you ever seen cloverfield ?: no but i want 2
do you like Cheeto's ?: yes
how about Doritos ?: yes
are you a chocolate addict?: no
are you emo ?: no
prep ?: kinda
jock ?: no
something else?: maybe
okay . thts good. well are you straight?: yes
k . well. do you have any idea what your IQ is?: idk
do you tihnk your smart ?: yes
do you think your skinny?: idk am i
do you have you fair share of blonde moments ?: yes
how about brunette moments?: no
is my chemical romance a good band?: never listened 2 them
do you pay attention to the rising gas prices?: yes
why?: cause i am going 2 be driving soon
is that true?: yes
oh . so . are you bored with this survey ?: no not really
should i end it?: idk if u want 2
i dont think i should. anyways, whens your birthday?: october 8th
do you have a stalker?: idk do i
how many?: idk
r you gangsta?: idk am i
pimping?: idk am i
wow. ok. do you like hollister?: yes
how about hot topic?: idk
pacsun ?: never shopped there
abercrombie [& fitch]?: yea
A&E?: yea
Zummiez?: never heared of that
Aero ?: yes
something else?: idk
what college do you wanna go to?: I.T.T
do you get good grades?: yes
what are you average grades?: b and c
do you think i should end this survey NOW?: idk if u want
if so, why ?: no reason
is this truthful ?: yes
were you truthful through-out the whole survey?: yes
would you lie to your bf/gf/crush ?: hell no
do you even have a bf/gf/crush ?: maybe
ok . im gonna stop now. will you say good bye to me?: yea good bye
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site
me and ashley at church ge&friendID=334546724&albumID=561756&imageID=194 7541

me and my friend ashley at church

SINGLE AND LOOKIN 4 FEMALE ge&friendID=334546724&albumID=561756&imageID=194 7541

me and my friend ashley at church

SINGLE AND LOOKIN 4 FEMALE ge&friendID=334546724&albumID=561756&imageID=194 7541

me and my friend ashley at church

------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ .. type="text/javascript" function GetThis(T, C, U, L) { var targetUrl = '' + 't=' + encodeURIComponent(T) + '&c=' + encodeURIComponent(C) + '&u=' + encodeURIComponent(U) + '&l=' + L;; } .. Share on MySpace! -----------------------------------------------------------
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Can you Ace my quiz?

Let's Find Out!

Which horror killer are you?
Your freddy kruger
Your freddy you kill for revenge for what they did to you. You like to target dreamer's when there most vulnerable and you attack with knive's and magic like power. Your the dream king!.
How do you compare?
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What type of dog are you?
Your a german sheperd.
Your a german sheperd. Your smart and powerful. You love to fight or play fight with other dog's but you can olso be very playful when your in a good mood. Your a great leader and lead other dog's with no fear.
How do you compare?
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MyHotComments -----

My Interests

playing guitar, and listening to music. Hanging out with my bro Elijah. Going to church and church events. Collecting knives, shooting guns, hanging out with my girlfreind if i had one :'(

I'd like to meet:

my grandpa. but he died a year before i was born. I want to met Toby Keith, he is one of the best country singers that i know.


rap, christain, some rock, country, 70's and 80's music, Rodney Carington, marine cadences,





Saw 1-3 S.W.A.T. Bad Boys 1-2 Terminator 1-3, Band of Brothers, finial destination 1-3, Gone in 60 Secs, Ant horror movies, Outsiders, Lethal Weapon 1-3, School of Rock, Mission Impossible 1-3, Men in Black 1-2, Big Mammas House 1-2, Hangmans Curse, Inside Man, The Boun Idenitity, The Boune Sapemecy, Flags of Our Fathers, The Da Vince Code, Spider man 1-3, Beowulf, Werewolf Hunter, Road House 1 &2 GhoustnBusters, skin walkers, top dog, step up 1-2, fire house dog, journey ( move by akon)







cops, americas most wanted, next, engagged and underage, big brother, savivor, deal or no deal, are you smarter then a 5th grader, trick my truck, pimp my ride, beach patrol, Home Extreme Makeover, Chips, dont forget the lyrics, csi,


the bible, any vampire book, any muder mystery books, The Onion Fild, ghoust books, The Outsiders,

Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!


God, My dad, My Grandpa, my best friend and bro eli