Im Rico Palma from Cagayan de Oro City. The good Lord implanted me on this tormented land on the 13th of February.I grew up being the black sheep of the family and became the worst of all but Fate is very kind and struck me a chance to reform myself.Well, I can say now that I'm the new ME...Thank You Lord!! I kept the phrase "Disturbed SouL" as a reminder of who I used to be, for a person cannot be who he is NOW without a PAST...I still have my bad side though but its hidden within me...Unless I have to show it.I used to care only for myself and not a care to the world of lies but family and friends showed me how wonderful the world is.(Now enough with the senti..) I love music for its the only means of communication I have towards my inner self..I love living in the edge (DO OR DIE!!) but I also play safe when the need arises... %D%A
To The GOOD LORD,to my family and friends, I owe you everything and I'm FOREVER in your debt...Love You GUYS!!! %D%A
FoReVeR aNd ToGeThEr..We WiLl WaLk ThE uNwInDiNg PaTh UntIlL wE cRoSs ThE CROSSROAD!! %D%A
Yahoo MSG: bbf_ice (add me!!)%D%A
Email Add: [email protected] %D%A
"I was dying
%D%A Gasping for my last air.
%D%A The pain was unbearable,
%D%A But I did not seem to care..."
%D%A Im JuSt YoUr AvErAgE GuY NeXt DoOr....%D%A %D%A
%D%A EvErYb0dY hAs HiS oWn DiLlEmA...mInE iS %D%A
yOu! %D%A
%D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A
%D%A %D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A ....