BABY PHAT FITZ FOR DA LADIEZ AND UH DONT EVEN TRIP FELLAZ YA BOY MARLON WILL LACE U WIT ALL DA RAGE JUST HIT ME AT "MYSPACE.COM/LILYAY".WE GOT DA KICKZ HERE TOO FROM NIKE TOO JORDANZ AT A LOWER PRICE THEN MOST.YOU KNOW WE GOT THE BAGZ FOR YOU BAG LADIEZ YOU KNOW SUCH AS Babyphat,AppleBottom,louis vuiton,coach,gucci,D&B and so much more.some nice lil topz for the ladiez to hit da funktionz and they ar so low wit da prices on da treal u cant go wrong!we got da capz ta rep ya city mayne fareal from sac,sf,ny,da town,la, and more hatz coming soon and uh we got da glasses aka yee stunnaz out here and yah fill me from gucci,louis vuitton and oh so more.