Wizzl profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

What to say? I'm a laid back guy, very little really bothers me. As a consequence, I really don't like people who complain all the time about unimportant crap. I really like to make people laugh, whenever I can. I love animals, and I own two very spoiled and misbehaving dogs. One thing that does bother me is insects. . .really, I have a phobia of cockroaches, spiders, and the like. . .kinda embarrassing, actually, so let's never speak of it again. Not too many people know this, but I also like buying antiques; turn of the century stuff (and oddly, anything 80s). My favorite food is either Mexican or Italian, take your pick. I have several shows that I hate to miss, including Family Guy and Lost. I've always considered myself a friendly and open person, so if you want to know more, ask!

My Interests


Lost Prophets, Poison, Def Leppard, 30 Seconds to Mars, Hoobastank, Tantric, Avenged Sevenfold, The Julianna Theory.


Air Force One, Braveheart, Top Gun, Amelie, Run Lola Run, Serenity, Saving Private Ryan, The Green Mile, Love Actually (total chick flick), Terminator 2, Garden State, Super Troopers


Lost, Family Guy, Cold Case, Criminal Minds, ER. I also watched Buffy: The Vampire Slayer and Angel, the entire seasons, in almost one sitting. Joss Wheadon is a genius!


Chronicles of Narnia, anything by Stephen King, and the Preston and Child novels.

My Blog

Greatest Pic of Me Ever!

Wow. . . .thanks Alicia, thanks a lot.  I'm gonna get you back soooo bad.  How did you manage to save that pic from my broke ass computer? Matt, you know damn well not only does my pack...
Posted by Wizzl on Sat, 31 Dec 2005 05:24:00 PST