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Nemesis Theory

About Me

**New Live Songs uploaded in our profile!! ** Recordings from The Fuel Room 4-4-09, and Docksides 3-17-07.

No Bull Shit, No Overdubs - Just real live music recorded with everything in there!

** NEMESIS THEORY Featured January 2009 Chicago's Rock ! **

NEMESIS THEORY was originally formed in October of 2003 when Tom Wilson and Mike Streicher decided to start a new band project. It was apparent immediately that a two guitar lineup or keyboard & guitar lineup would be needed due to the song direction, and musical preferences. We wanted to set our selves apart from other local bands. Our focus was on both cover material, and original material that other bands didn't, or couldn't play. With this goal we designed a set of songs that captured our inspiration and delivered our presence as progressive musicians.

My Interests


Member Since: 1/31/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:
NEMESIS THEORY is a High Energy progressive rock band that specializes in Hard Rock & Metal- Classics and Today, with a Diverse Range of Favorites & High Energy Music


Tom Wilson -Lead Vocals
Larry DeMumbrum Drums
Mike Streicher -Bass Guitar & Vocals
Joe Guevara -Lead & Rhythm Guitars, Vocals
Doug Ehrhardt -Lead & Rhythm Guitars, Vocals

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Tom Wilson -Lead Vocals

It all started in the early 90’s. I got dragged into the deep, dark yet strangely addictive and funny world of…Karaoke. Yep. I said karaoke. It wasn’t like I was planning for the ultimate life on the Vegas circuit, but I did get hooked. Some friends with whom I went to school with had dragged me down to St. Charles to partake in the strange world that is karaoke. I had always had a hankerin’ to sing. I would sing along like everyone else does…in the car or shower, but this seemed to be where dreams were made or broken.I was nervous as hell even walking in the smoky hole-in-the-wall bar right next to the dirty Fox river. People were all dressed up and the intensity could be cut with a real sharp off key groan from one of the seasoned regulars. I peered into the immense book of songs. I never felt so out of touch with country music as I felt at that time. I needed to find something I was fairly comfortable with or go and get a large buckle with my name on it and return next week. Back and forth I gazed, intent on my search. Finally, as if a beam of light came down from the heavens and encompassed the words…”Dust in the Wind” by Kansas. I found a piece of paper to write down the song information and with a shaky hand, handed it to the Karaoke Master. I was unworthy.A few things came of that song now later in my life. One, I hate it. Secondly, I still get asked to sing that when in any bar that has that blasted machine within the tri-county area. Last, I respect it for giving me the confidence to get up in front of people and do what I now do. So, I am self taught from payin’ my dues singing the mighty Karaoke and continually singing in the car or shower through the years. I was eventually coerced into being in a band with my cousin Darrel. He was noodling around for some time with his buddies and was looking for a new singer to take them in a new direction. I sang one song and that was the genesis of Awakened…a band in which I initially met our fine bass player Mike. He didn’t stay long, but I knew we would be destined to play again someday. Through a few shows and numerous years of practice we ended up in a band with a new drummer and a new name…Virus. We had a few good years as that incarnation, but as Journey says, we went our separate ways. I felt that band crumbling away like a nice blue cheese, so I contacted Mike( see above). We pretty much had the same initial thought on our direction as a new band. Aggressive rock and roll/metal that we love and loved. Along came Nemesis Theory. I really don’t have any technical stuff to add to this meandering. I use microphones that are available and hope the sound coming through my monitors is adequate when that said microphone is sung into. I do have influences which range from my favorite metal singer of all time(Dio) to the very different vocals of Jay Farrar of Son Volt. I don’t listen to much metal. I prefer nu-jazz(down tempo lounge), independent music, blues and world music. I find if I am away from metal I can’t be influenced by trends in it or voices that are associated with it…Are there any (new)? Is there much metal out there? There will be if we have anything to do with it.I am just plain happy as clam to be a part of this group of great musicians. Not only are they great in that respect, but I would say they are some of the best people you will ever know. Next time you see one out, whether at a show, at the gas station or getting milk at the corner store… give ‘em a hug! Maybe just give them the METAL sign and call it a day if you are uncomfortable with that hugging stuff. Let’s make metal METAL-ER together!

Joe Guevara -Lead & Rhythm Guitars, Vocals

Gear: Guitars-Ibanez, ESP, Fender, Fernandes, Jackson, Yamaha, Takamine. Effects- Digitech GSP 2101 w/ upgraded PPC-210 card and expansion chips for seamless patching and expanded effects library, BBE 882 Sonic Maximizer, AKG WMS 40 UHF wireless guitar system, Furman Power Conditioner. Power Amp- Mesa Booggie Cabinets- Marshall JCM 900 Lead 1960 angle and bottom Accoustic Amp- Marshall AS50R Influences: Yngwie Malmsteen, Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, John Patrucci, Marty Friedman, Tony MacAlpine, Paul Gilbert, Randy Rhodes, Jake E. Lee, Queensryche, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Dream Theater, Racer X, Pink Floyd, Testament.Years Playing: 18. Former Bands: Juvenocracy, Mind Scar, Tar, Nemesis Theory (present) Personal Notes: I was about 14 years old and a school friend of mine played Yngwie Malmsteens Rising Force and Marching Out for me on his stereo, I was floored. I never looked at or listened to the guitar the same way again. I suddenly had a new influence in my life besides pot and alcohol. I begged my Dad to buy me a guitar for my birthday that year and he did. I started taking lessons and that only lasted for about 6 months. At that age it reminded me too much like school (what a mistake) never the less I continued to play guitar and learn music that has influenced me throughout the course of my life. Playing guitar and music for that matter has been a great outlet for my emotions and my feelings and for a guy who has trouble showing his feelings towards other people playing guitar was probably the best choice I have ever made. Ive played a lot of places with a lot of different musicians in different genres of music, but this Nemesis Theory project is some high caliber music and musicianship. I am honored to play with a bunch of great guys who are all down to earth and share the same musical out look that I do. With that being said, thank you for reading my bio page and I hope you have as much fun watching us play live that I have playing live for you.

Douglas Ehrhardt - Lead & Rhythm Guitars, Vocals

Gear: Guitars - John Petrucci Signature Series Musicman, Charvel /Jackson, and Washburn. Effects - Digitech Valve FX Preamp/Multieffects unit, BBE 482i Sonic Maximizer, Boss OD-1 overdrive pedal, Boss TU-2 chromatic tuner, and a Dunlop 535 Crybaby. Amps - Sampson Servo 550 Cabinets - Marshall JCM 900 Lead Series 1960A Misc.- Monster Cables, Nady Wireless System, Dunlop Tortex extra heavy picks, GHS boomer strings, Warwick guitar stand, and Shure Beta 57&58 microphones. Influences: Randy Rhodes, John Petrucci, Vivian Campbell, Yngwie Malmsteen, Queensryche, Dream Theater, Iron Maiden, and Dio. Years Playing: 25 Former Bands: Evolution, Xodus, SanHedrin, Laberynth, Superstition, Act of Nature, Four Story, Inside Out, Nemesis Theory (Present).

Larry DeMumbrum Drums

(Not Percussion, that always brings images of a fruity drum circle to mind..Fuck that! Sorry but when you play Metal. you play Drums youre not a Percussionist) Background: I have been playing Drums (and guitar) for going on 20 years in the Chicago scene. When I was 13 I heard distorted guitar for the first time and was HOOKED and begged the parents to set me up with some gear. I fell into playing drums out of necessity actually a few months later (a ton of guitarists out there and not many drummers at the time) and found that I picked it up faster and enjoyed it more than guitar. So, back to the parents for my first kit (God bless em!). I still write on guitar though. All self taught, I joined my first band when I was 16 and started the musical journey. Through the years Ive played with several acts, also have been a hired gun in several studio projects & played many a gig out and about leaving a trail of sweat, dedication and broken drum sticks in my wake. Pounding all out energy is what Im about, tight pocket and original fills keeping things RAWKIN! I am proud to say I received a very good review in Modern Drummer magazine for my effort on the Broken Hope album Grotesque Blessings. Thanks for checking out my info. and I hope to see some old friends at the shows and make new friends in the process as well! Previous Bands: Suspiria, What If, Em Sinfonia, Mindset Zero, Broken Hope (Grotesque Blessings album) Influences: Slayer, The Police, Alice In Chains, Obituary, Spiritual Beggars, Paul Simon, Bjork, Entombed, Gluecifer, Wilco, Assuck, Jayhawks, The Grip Weeds, Hardcore Superstar, The Creation, Impious, The Hellacopters, Juliana Hatfield, Lords Of Acid, Dio, Lucinda Williams, Manmade God, Mustasch, The Mushroom River Band, Only Living Witness, Paradise Lost, Quill, Ryan Adams, Scissorfight, Whiskeytown, Soilwork, Teen Idols, Hate Plow, Trouble, Uncle Tupelo, Vader.. and several thousands more. Gear: Tama Drums, Pedals and Power Tower Systems. Sabian & Paiste cymbals. Drum sticks need to be nylon tip, either 5B or 2B. Beyond that..whatever I can get my hands on for as cheap as possible, cause I go through them FAST!

Mike Streicher -Bass Guitar & Vocals

I have been Playing Bass for nearly 20 years. Ive been studying music for many years and previously played trumpet and piano. My ear began to be drawn to other facets of music. I could hear the melodies still, but felt compelled to explore more of the rhythm that I felt. As I had free time, or a study hall I would sneak into the practice rooms of the music class, and borrow the school electric bass. Influences: I began to be influenced by the strong early eighties metal bands like Van Halen, Queensryche, Metallica, and many others. But it was the writing & playing of Steve Harris from Iron Maiden that really made me want to play Bass more, and better. I was further strongly influenced by Geddy Lee, and Billy Sheehan among others. Previous bands: I was in several different bands through the rest of my high school years. I also continued to play during college with other new musicians. All of the various bands I played with exposed me to more and different playing styles, and challenges. (Innuendo, Wretched, Dye Alive, Inside Out, currently Nemesis Theory) Primary Gear- Bass Guitars: Ibanez SR506 Six string bass, Fender Jazz 025-7702-506 Geddy Lee signature series, Jackson JX40 Four string bass, Strings-Dean Markley Blue Steel, Cables-Monster Cable, Plectrums-Not typically used, but if required for brief instances -Star pick by, Everly ( Orange .60mm ), Amplification- Ampeg SVT4-PRO, Speaker Cabinet-Bagend Q10BX-D, Speaker Cable-Custom ..10 AWG bridged cable with Speakon connectors., Pre-Amplification-ART SGX Nightbass tube preamp, Effects Processors and Pedals-ART SGX Nightbass with X-15 controller &Morley Bass WAH Pro-series II, Equipment Cases-Anvil Forge II. Music always has been, and always will be, a part of my life. I have stated numerous times that I will continue to play music until I die. Thank you for reading my bio, hope to see you at a NEMESIS THEORY show soon!

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** New NEMESIS THEORY Interview at The Dead Hub!**

Influences: We are strongly influenced by Progressive bands like:Dream Theater, Queensryche, Iron Maiden,And many others........................
Sounds Like: Progressive Metal
Record Label: we need one

My Blog

Nemesis Theory - Flight Of Icarus Video by Dom Pierogi - MySpace Video
Posted by on Wed, 08 Apr 2009 15:50:00 GMT

NT Feedback Survey

Nemesis Theory wants to play in your town! We need your input on some good rock or metal venues in your neighborhood. Please fill out the info below and we'll see what we can do. We hope to be comi...
Posted by on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 13:38:00 GMT