Loads really! Drums Running Music Being wiv mates Going out house parties n the usual stuff :P
Anyone really, depends who it is :o
Loads of stuff!
Watevas good really... Sin City Gladiator Brave Heart Doge BAll Borrat Freddy got fingered School of rock 300 Anchorman pirates of the caribbean matrixN ne more tht take ma fancy
Er different programs really, i love comedy programs such as mighty boosch and silly humour, but i watch anything that takes my fancy at the time.
Tend not to read much, but i heard the Harry Potter series r quite good!
Main hero dave grohl, What a guy, hes influences me a lot. But theres others like:Taylor Hawkins-because hes my favourite drummer hes ace ;-)Lars Ulrich- I like his name, and secondly hes the drummer of MATALLICAKurt Cobain- He was an arse but i loved his music