AlyGator! アリゲーター profile picture

AlyGator! アリゲーター

About Me

I'm just a little girl with big dreams.
By Travis Horikawa - Contrast Magazine
“I wanted to be a role model for other girls. Guys can rock, but girls can do it too!” muses Aly Ishikuni, a Kauai born singer/songwriter who, contrary to her diminutive stature, possess a colossal passion for making music and the vocal aptitude to match. I can’t help but observe more of Aly’s accidental paradoxes. She speaks in a becalmed voice, yet through all of its subtleness, seems to effortlessly transcend the ambient chatter rolling around us. Glimpses of her enigmatic stage presence echo in my thoughts. Recalling my skeptical first impression of watching her take stage, fronting an all-male rock band, only to be treated to a lesson on book covers and how not to judge them..." Click for full article.
A Birthday Poem- ALLYGATOR By Dan Weaver
Roses are red
& allygators are green
birthdays don't come that often
dont you wish you were taller?
she loves her some MCR more than life itself
and she can even sew a mean ruffly collar
Ive seen her drink rum n cokes till she's down in a gutter
while arron vb sits in the corner and shutters
you were once in a band called explore
that made JARED LETO sound like a bore
we even got to find out that he is actually a huge WHORE
she loves to giggle with her pug
she hates vegitbles
she will never eat lettuce cause it tastes like grass

My Interests


Member Since: 31/01/2006
Band Members: me, myself & i.
Sounds Like:
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"Explore is hands down the most refreshing local band I've heard in a long while and sounds like nothing else I've heard from the local scene. Fronted by Aly Ishikuni, Explore will take you on a melodic, soothing listening adventure full of quality musicianship all around. This local band's sound will easily please music aficionados from LA to NYC..."
-Heavywater Magazine


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839 Queen St. (between Ward Avenue and Cooke Street).
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Type of Label: Major

My Blog

ALY BIO by T.O. for KZOO Radio

Since her childhood years, Aly had an aspiration to someday become a singer. She entered Brown Bags to Stardom, a Hawaii talent competition during her high school years and amazed everyone with her si...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 20:21:00 GMT