Intense Productions is an adult film company that is owned and operated by Desiree' Foxxx and Niko St. James, both talent as well as producers. The company was started in hopes of having inspiring talent as well as successful product. Our DVD's are high quality with distribution across the United States, as well as Europe. Our company is based around making sure that our female talent is comfortable and working for a reputable company. Being talent and having shot for several companies, we understand that sometimes we are put into siuations where we are a bit uncomfortable and it's not always centered around what we are comfortable with and it tends to become not so fun. Our scenes are passionate, steamy, dirty and original with hot girls and hot guys. Right now, we are not looking for male talent because we have enough at this time, were only seeking female talent. If you are hot, sexy, and beautiful female contact us @
[email protected]. Were looking forward to hereing from you soon.