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Aarica Noel


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I'd like to meet:

Jesus. . . . . . . . . . . . ...

.. ..



70 Odd Questions:
70 Odd Questions
What is your middle name? Noel
What color is your mailbox? Black
Are you single? Yeah
Have you ever hit a deer? No thank the Lord. I'd feel so bad
Do you have to drive over a bridge to get home? In both Chaseburg and Rochester, yes
What color is your room? White
Do you have a small driveway? Rochester, yes.........Chaseburg, HAHAHA
Do you know anyone with the same ringtone as you? hmmmm nope.
What do you do first in the morning? Open my eyes
What brand is your printer? HP PSC 2355v all-in-one .... go ahead. ask me what that all means. I'm sure I could make up something interesting for all those letters and numbers
Do you enjoy fighting with people? ummmm no ?!?! should I?
Is your hair naturally straight or curly? straight
Who was your kindergarten teacher? Mrs. Fischer, St. John's Lewiston
What is your ringtone? Pink Floyd's The Wall
Are you taller than your mom? no :( I am now officially the shortest one in my family of 8.
What curse word do you say the most when your pissed? ....... lol I don't think crap is a curse word.
Are you God? I probably wouldn't die for you... no
Do you like someone? YES! ....Yes I certainly DO! lol
Do you enjoy writing in colored pens? lol yeah
Does anything hurt on your body right now? yes, my cheek bone, lip, left elbow, and right shoulder. I'm one big OUCH right now.
Do you often cry during a movie? if its sad yes, but shhhhh don't tell anyone
Last phone call you received? A call from my friend Jenny in the Twin Cities
Last text message? hmmmm from Majeed
Do you hate your life? Its not mine to hate
Do you get mad easily? not really. It usually takes a LOT to get me pissed
What is your biggest pet peeve? People who lie, or fabricate things to me
Are you cold? yes
Do any of your friends have kids? yes
Do you know anyone that is pregnant right now? My sister is due on May 15th. I'm looking forward to my new nephew and godson Elliot James. :) Love you baby.
Who should pay on the first date? Depends... If the guy takes the bill, I don't argue cause I think men should be allowed to keep that "dominant" role if they wish. Otherwise I have no problem paying.
How many years older than you are you willing to date? well I've dated someone 2 years younger for six months and I've dated someone 20 years my senior for seven months. An age difference may pose issues, but it really is not a make or break thing for me. I love who I love
Do you have any friends? lol No :(
Do you have any mean friends? lol what kind of a question is that?
What is the ugliest color to wear in your opinion? hmmmm magenta
Have you ever liked someone who all your friends hate? yes
Have you ever felt like driving off a cliff, seriously? i'll take the fifth.
Have you ever contemplated suicide? yes, but lets keep this a drama-free survey
Do you scratch your ears? haha when they itch
Who was the last person to hug you? my mother
What brand are the pant/jeans you're wearing right now? my comfy Adidas running pants
How tall are you? I'd like to think I'm 5'6"
What is the closest green object? A Mountain Dew Bottle
If you were born the opposite sex, what would your parents name you? Obviously Sven-Fritz-Abner! lol Adam probably
Do you want to have kids? Yes
What is the brightest color you're wearing? White
Who is the friend you have that you would never have expected to have? Kristi
Who do you hate the most right now? Hating people is a waste of time and energy
What kind of car do you want? one that works
What is your favorite video game? anything old school like the original mario games, but for the sake of fun I'd play anything... Rainbow Six is a LOT of fun!
Do you like your dad? LOVE HIM! He means the world to me. I look to him for so much advice and wisdom in life.
Do you have any TV shows on DVD? I'm ashamed to admit it... the first season of the Simple Life
Are you wearing make-up? Nope
Do you have a tattoo? Nope
Have you ever broken a pinata? Yup
What time is it right now? 8:36 pm Central Time
Do you know how to draw? that's debatable
Who loves orange soda? On a rare occasion I might get a craving for it
Who did you last IM? hmmmm Jon ?
Do you work a lot of hours? Not at the moment and I miss it!
Where were you in the last 24 hours? Chaseburg, Coon Valley, and then Chaseburg again. lol
Who was the last person that called you? Jenny
Is there anything you regret? I try not to live with regret, but yes I now have a few
Do you know where your family name originated from? A FARM in Norway! HAHA LOL When they married, the guy took the girl's last name in order to have the same name as the family farm. hahahahahaha that kills me... My family name was sustained because of a FARM
Is there an animal that creeps you out? Nope not really. No
What is your favorite color ON A CAR? Red or Black
Do you use digital or film cameras? digital when possible
Do you own an iPod? a nano. and its my mini me, goes where i go
Have you ever been on a charter bus? often in the twin cities
Do you like going to water parks? yup
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what if?:
You were stuck on an island who or what would u bring? my sweetheart. then there's no need to ever leave the island
Your bf/gf gained 100 pounds would you stay with them? yes, otherwise the relationship was a shallow one.
Your significant other lost a limb would you leave them? to go get help .....and that's the only kind of leaving I would do
You could have sex with only one person in the world who would it be? my husband!
Someone offered you a million dollars to sleep with your significant other for one night would let them? over my dead body! .... more likely theirs!
You could live anywhere where would it be? hmmmm in the woods in the middle of nowhere. where the weather is always beautiful and it only snows in December
You could steal any car and get away with it would you? No. A lifetime on the run with paranoia doesn't sound like fun to me. Not to mention its just wrong
A cop offered you sex to get out of a ticket would you do it? Nasty I'd see him in court!
You won the superbowl where would you go? home to bed.
Someone was hitting on your significant other and they were just going along with it would you beat that person up? lol no, i'd enjoy the spectacle. If I trust my sig other. I trust them!
You could take back one mistake would you ? Sounds too good to be true. But I would
You found a briefcase full of money in the road would you keep it? Only until I could find the right place/people to hand it over to.
Your ex made a pass at you while you were in a relationship would you concede and not tell your current bf/gf? I would hope I would be able to tell them anything. But an ex for me is just that.... an Ex. someone I no longer care for as I do the person I'm with. There would be no relationship or feelings left there.
You could do this survey again would you tell the truth? Just did
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at PimpSurveys.comABOUT YOU - WHO YOU ARE How did you get your name?: Well my mom was going to name me Stephanie, but thankfully my dad stepped in and said no, her name is Erica... but then he crossed the line and spelled it with two A's. I will forever be spelling out my name for people. A memory you won't forget: Getting out of the hospital this past January... I was feeling SO glad to be out finally. As my mom was driving me home, we passed two people dumpster-diving in an alley in the freezing cold. I told my mom to please stop the car. I jumped out, gave them a twenty and told them to buy something good to eat. They stood up in the dumpster and both gave me a big hug saying God bless. It was just a sureal moment I don't think I'll forget. It feels so good to care for others. Favorite color: hmmm black, olive-green, khaki, white, pink Favorite foods: Different fruits and veggies, sushi, chinese, italian, mexican... I'm not too picky Favorite drink: WATER WATER WATER! Favorite brand of shoes: Vans are comfy Favorite brand of clothes: I really don't like brand names because of the stereotypes people associate with them Favorite icecreams: Cookiedough Your best friend: Jesus. Other than that, I have many Favorite animal: TOO TOUGH! I love big dogs. I want to have a Great Dane someday and name him "Tiny". Future career: Nursing. Maybe travel to do some work in third-world countries Favorite restaurant: My grandma's kitchen. lol .You just don't beat her cooking. Other than that, I'll eat anywhere. Favorite tv shows: C-SPAN and C-SPAN2 are gifts from God lol. Basically I watch the news. and "Reba" on the CW when I can. I used to love the Simpsons but haven't watched that lately. A country you like to visit: I really want to see Ireland's countryside someday. Maybe see some of the old castles Favorite book: the Bible. The Purpose Driven Life was good too. Catcher in the Rye.... and sometimes I'm a sucker for a good romance novel. Ever thought about being gay?: No...I guess I'm too busy thinking about men Favorite cell phone company: TMOBILE when they don't mess with my billing whats your personality: lol kind of eccentric I guess. I wouldn't know how to describe it. You'll just have to get to know me and form your own opinion. Favorite old movie: the 1920's silent film "The Sheik" with Rudolph Valentino.... or "The Great Escape" with Steve McQueen..... or any movie with Frank Sinatra or Marilyn Monroe.... I love old movies! including all the musicals. lol I'm such a nerd. Favorite old song: I'll Be Seeing You by Billie Holiday.... Hotel California by The Eagles...... Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin.... No Leaf Clover by Metallica.... No Woman No Cry by Bob Marley.... My Way by Frank Sinatra.... The Wall by Pink Floyd Lucky number(s): I don't believe in luck. but I love the number 9 Latest you have ever stayed up: haha well every now and again I'll be up the entire night. sometimes I just can't sleep. What kind of friend are you: Real and very loyal, I try to be the kind of friend I would want AS a friend Favorite car: An Old Packard Coup lol. with classic white wall tires. Not very practical, but I love old old cars. Cars from the 1900's to about the late 1960's are just more interesting. A '68 Mustang would be cool too. A friend you left hanging: Jesus. seriously no pun intended Something you'll never do: Promise myself I'll never do something...setting myself up for failure.
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Jesus, my Parents, and my amazing boyfriend Joe

My Blog

and yet another survey

What was the last movie you watched, and who did you watch it with?The Illusionist with JosephHow often do you pray?I think its just my constant thoughts...rambling on to God. If it were outloud ...
Posted by Aarica Noel on Mon, 07 May 2007 12:02:00 PST

About men

  ..>..>..>..>..>..> ..> General Preferences Body or Face Face Looks or Personality Personality Height Taller than me Weight Not really something I think about, if they're comfortable so am ...
Posted by Aarica Noel on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 06:05:00 PST

surveys are the result of boredom. lol

..>..>..>..>..>..> ..> Deep Questions Who are you? I thought you were going to tell me What keeps you awake at night? lack of sleep. haha  ok ok......... thoughts. personal thoughts. If you...
Posted by Aarica Noel on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 06:15:00 PST