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I am here for Friends

About Me

Mi llamo es Barbos de chibo

My Interests

whenever stopping at a wrecking yard, don't park your small car in an area marked compact.

I'd like to meet:

good jokeQ: What's George Bush's position on Roe v. Wade? A: He really doesn't care how people get out of New Orleans.


this could take a while


Love drive in nostalgia, and McMennamin theaters in p-town. Usually rent anything " off "


like a sore tooth,can't look away


like reading, reading another roadside attraction right now, the web that has no weaver and The Druids are the alternates, good omens is great, illusions is good, and anne rice got me through late teens or something. Hunter S., Transworld and Thrasher I read for the (huff huff) articles, as well as tintin, Asterix & obelix are great defaults.


Bill Hicks, Your mom