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+God is Everything+

About Me

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♥ Best Name in the MuthaEffin World...Brittany Toyosin Ojo ♥..♥ I'ma EFFIN Pisces ♥♥ Real chill to be around, but don't get on my bad side ♥♥ I ♥ life and all its positive aspects ♥♥ My family and friends come before anything in life ♥♥ born to succeed...with or without the help of others ♥♥ I could be the best or worst thing in your life...its ur choice! ♥♥ Alana, R!K, Whitney & Veronica...My Partners in Madness! ♥♣ NO DRAMA @ ALL WILL BE TOLERATED FROM ANY UNNECCESSARY FIGURE IN MY LIFE! ♣♥ I'm motivated by HATERS...Like T.I. & like Diddy said...U CaN HATE Me NOW...CUZ I WON'T STOP NOW! ♥♥ I'mma Effin Comedian... I LOVE TO LAUGH & Makin U LAUGH! ♥..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
45 of the most random things you probably never needed to know about someone
whats your name spelt backwards?: ynattirb
What did you do last night?: talked to my boo
The last thing you downloaded onto your computer?: don't kno
Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery?: nope
Last time you swam in a pool?: can't swim
What are you wearing?: clothes
How many cars have you owned?: one
Type of music you dislike most?: country
Are you registered to vote?: nope
Do you have cable?: nope...satellite
What kind of computer do you use?: dell
Ever made a prank phone call?: yep
You like anyone right now?: yep
Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?: hell no
Furthest place you ever traveled?: soon to be texas
What's your favorite comic strip?: marmaduke
Do u know all the words to the national anthem?: yes
Shower, morning or night?: both
Best movie you've seen in the past month?: waist deep
Favorite pizza toppings?: sausage and cheese
Chips or popcorn?: both
What cell phone provider do you have?: verizon
Have you ever smoked peanut shells?: nope
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?: nope
Orange Juice or apple?: apple
Who were the last people you sat at lunch with?: alana
favorite chocolate bar?: 100 grand
Who is your longest friend and how long?: R!K...18 yrs
Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?: don't eat tomatoes
Have you ever won a trophy?: yep
Favorite arcade game?: don't play arcade games
Ever ordered from an infomercial?: nope
Sprite or 7-UP?: my boo drinks Sprite
Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work?: yep
Last thing you bought at Walgreens?: cashews
Ever thrown up in public?: probably
Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love?: a little of both
Do you believe in love at first sight?: nope
Did you have long hair as a young kid?: yep
What message is on your voicemail machine?: my niece is talking
Where would you like to go right now?: to sleep
Whats the name of your pet?: jr
What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it?: gap...nothing
What do you think about most?: life in the future
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My Interests

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥Just Cuz I Love My Niggas... I Shed Blood For My Niggas... Let a Nigga Holla, "Where My Niggas?"... All I Wanna Hear is...RIGHT HERE MY NIGGA!♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥..
Cool SlideshowsIf you are not in this picture trail...don't get mad! I'll be taking lots more new pictures...So stay fresh...Never know when it might happen!..
Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.com

I'd like to meet:

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ JESUS ♥ ♥ Any Person Who Wants 2 Meet Me...Good or Bad ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ CAN YOU SAY...MODEL? Maybe...Hott Chick? Definitely...SEXXY! Absolutely...Beautiful! Always...My Adopted Lil Sis...aka LulaBelle!Shanna... I effin ♥ you! I'm giving you your first photo spread...I hope you enjoy!..
Get a Myspace LED Scroller @ MyGirlySpace.com

+ whateverlife.com


♥Music♥? What can I say about music? All I know is that if there weren't any music, I'd probably die...Every since I can remember I've loved music...even as a youngin'!...I don't have a specific type of music that I listen to...Let's just put it this way...If I like it, I'll listen to it! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ I LOVE MUSIC! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


105 question on your random life
Home life
What do you do when you wake up?: take a leak
Do you drink coffee?: no
Do you clean your house?: yes
If so,then what room is the easiest room to clean?: kitchen
Whats the hardest room?: my bedroon
Do you have siblings?: yes
If so,how many?: 1
What are their names?: chandra
Do you like your siblings?: yes
Do you get along with your parents?: yes
Do you bond with them?: mom...yes
How many pets do you have?: 1
What kind of pets do you have?: dog
Which pet is your favorite?: i only have 1
School life
Do you go to highschool,middle school,or college?: college
What is your favorite class?: none
What do you have 6th period?: no
Who do you hang out with the most in school?: no one
Whos locker are you next to?: don't have 1
Do you have any of your friends in your classes?: no
Do you take the bus or do you get driven?: I DRIVE...I'm 19
If you take the bus,where do you sit usually?: NO WHERE!
Are there labled groups in your school?: NO!!
If so,what group lable is yours?: NONE!
Do you get detention offten?: NO NO NO NO!!!
Have you ever been in a food fight during lunch?: NO!
Do you hate your teachers?: No
Are you an honors student?: Was...
Social life
Whats your favorite place to hang out at?: McDonalds...Its a C4D Thing!
Do you go to the mall offten?: no
Are you on the computer 24/7?: no
Are you on the phone 24/7?: no
Do you go to parties offten?: not anymore
What are your hobbies?: reading, cooking, listening to music, and cleaning
Whats your favorite hobbie?: listening to music
Are you good at it?: yea...its not very hard to listen to music
Do you listen to music offten?: yes!
Do you have .. not anymore
If so,whats ur sn?: it was...BrittanyOjo
Do you gossip?: no
Do you care more about your social life more than you do about school?: unfortunately yes
Do you moslty socialize with your friends?: yes
Friendship life
Who is your best friend?: ooo...i have more than 1
Which friend calls you the most?: alana
Which friend IMs you the most?: none
Which friend understand you the most out of all ur friends?: they all understand
Which friend is funnier?: we are all comedians
Which friend is quiet?: whitney
Which friend has a temper?: brent & r!k & alana
Which friend is the girliest?: alana
Which friend cheers you up the most?: alana
Which friend has a low self-esteem?: none
Which friend is honest?: whitney
Which friend holds a grudge for a while?: none
Which friend is flirty?: ALL
Which friend is the loudest?: ALL
Love life
Do you have a bf/gf?: No
If so,whats their name?: huh!?
If not,are you crushin?: not really...they already knoe
Do you beleive in love?: yes
Do you see love at first sight?: no
Do fall for ppl because of their looks?: no
Do you hook up with ppl on the internet?: no
How many bfs/gfs have you had in your entire life?: 3
Have you ever had your heart broken?: not too bad
Have you broken a heart?: i might've
Have you been cheated on?: YES
Have you cheated?: no
Do you think sex matters more?: don't know...LOL
Have you ever made out?: yes
Image life
What color is your hair?: brown
What color are your eyes?: brown
What kind of cloths do you wear?: whatever i like
Do you wear make-up?: no
Are you punk?: no
Are you prepy?: no
Are you gangster?: no
Are you goth?: no
Are you a jock?: no
Are you a nerd?: no
Are a head banger?: no
Whats your nationality?: AFRICAN-American
Do you have small or big eyes?: big
Are you a girl or a boy?: girl
Peronality life
Do you think your nice?: sometimes
Do you have a bad temper?: sometimes
Are you helpful?: sometimes
Are you depressed offten?: no
Do you have additude?: sometimes
Do you get along with alot of people?: yes
Do you hate on alot of people?: no
Are you flirty?: yes
Do you have an ego?: don't kno
Do you pick on people you don't know?: unfortunately...:(
Would take a bullet for the people you love?: it depends on who
Are you amusing?: yes...very
Do you take blames for others?: no
Do you blame others for your actions?: no
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My heroes are my mother (Carol)...my sister (Chandra)...my grandparents!:♥:~Aunt Mildred♥~&~♥Cousin Polly aka Marvin D. Cooke~:♥: --- RIP... I love you and miss you sooo much::

My Blog


Haters are my MOTIVATION! So if you hating on me...THANK YOU SO MUCH!  Like my girl Stevie said...Haters tell me that I'm doing my shit right!?!  YA DIG!?!   I rep ConCord all day=every...
Posted by ~I LuV ThA GrL I UseD 2 B~ on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 09:37:00 PST