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I am here for Friends

About Me

Hello, my name is Donald, and if I don't use every letter of the alphabet in the following passage then I'm an qwertyfuckmopzidlhgasjnbvx. And to think, it started so pronouncably.
So basically, the old about me is gone, because I suppose I was tired of looking like a mildly deranged teenage computer geek. Nowadays I'm angling more for the slightly less deranged mature computer geek. It's the little things like telling people what you're intentions are that enable them to see through ploys I feel. Yes sarcasm will still drench this thing like a hose.
Also I decided to get rid of the references to news stories and current topics that were in my old one, after all I'm quite lazy and updating every day would annoy me quite considerably. I may post a blog though so if you crave twisted, half informed, reactionary journalism I suggest you go read the Daily Mail, cos you won't find it here.
Basically (I must stop saying that) I'm roughly 19, I say roughly cos if I put 19 I'll get accused of lying, and if I put 18, well, I went over that in the previous paragraph (see news stories). And I'll explain everything here in a roundabout kind of way, so stick with it, there will not be a reward at the end, but you should anyway. Lets be honest you could do with reading something other than Heat.
I'm a permanent resident of Perth nowadays, which I seem to be far more indifferent to than most, rakes of people hate the place for reasons I can't quite grasp. I suppose it does get boring being in one place for any length of time, but I can't see why that wouldn't be the same everywhere.
I've only met or started talking to a few new folk in the past year or so, but they're all fairly fantastic to go all alliterative on you twice in a sentence. I play guitar and I read a lot, I listen to music constantly, and at loud volumes, if this bothers anyone I recommend you communicate to me via sign language to turn it down, cos I ain't gonna hear a word you say.
I'm really quite content with how things are most of the time these days, there are definitely a lot of times when I still wallow in my own self pity, but it's happening less and less, I think someday soon I may even stop being a miserable git =]
I've still not said an awful lot about me, but like I forgot to mention, change is definitely a slow process.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

- People
- Who are as daft as I am.
- People
- Who don't think I'm daft.
- People
- In general really.

You have a problem with the wee green machine being in my heroes? Call 08000-GO-AWAY (Please Note: This is not a freephone number and all calls will be charged at national rate)

My Blog

Out with the old and in with the new

In a rare moment of self appreciation I'm going to post my old about me as a blog cos I'm replacing it with a new one, however I actually thought it was pretty good so I'm keeping my old one on here, ...
Posted by on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 15:36:00 GMT