HoT THanG profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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20 people you know.
List 20 people off the top of your head. DON'T read the questions first.:
1.: JAG
2.: Sherri Strawberri
3.: Dani J
4.: Jean-Louis
5.: Sacire
6.: CJ Smoove
7.: KBK
8.: Nikki T.
9.: C Hammy
10.: Brandi
11.: Mom
12.: Dad
13.: Parmi
14.: Chelsea
15.: Lil Kai
16.: Lil Max
17.: Lori
18.: Maxie III
19.: Carmen
20.: Angela
How did you meet 13?: Thru Dani J
What would have happened if you hadn't met 6?: oh my, oh my... life wouldn't HARDLY be as hilarious
What do you honestly think of 10?: i love her, miss her, and wish her the best always!
Would 8 date 3?: uh... if they venture to places they never have before...
Were you ever into 4?: no, but i'm sure glad to have him as a friend!
Would you date 5?: uh... i have a boyfriend...
Would 2 & 11 make a good couple?: hahahaha... a good couple of Sorors working on a project!
Would you go out with 14?: go out to hang... thats my dawg!
Describe 7 in 7 words.: funny, chocolate, political, smart, saavy, business-minded, sassy
Do you think 15 is hot.: hahahaha... she's my 7 year old niece... but i'm sure she will be!
Would 1 & 17 make a good couple?: BETTA NOT!!!! there will be some hell-raising!
Tell us something about 14.: she's a YOGA MASTER!
Do you know any of 3's family?: absolutely... we share them.
On a scale of 1-10, how cute is 16?: 25!!... my lil nephew!!!!
What language does 19 speak?: English is the only to my knowledge... after kids, maybe babytalk???
Who is 12 going out with?: betta not be nobody but my mommy!! ;-)
When was the last time you spoke to 13?: hmmm.... its been about a week maybe?
Would 18 & 10 make a good couple?: haha... 18 is married to 19, so probably not.
Would you ever date 2?: nope... thats my LS! sisters only! ha
How'd you meet 20?: thru our parents... Jack & Jill, baby!
Where does 17 live?: O-H-I-O!
How long have you known 19?: hmmm... since 1996 maybe??
Is 12 older than you?: yep... a good amount!
Have you ever gone out with 7?: yep, gone out to hang all throughout college and after! my patna...
Have you kissed 5?: nope
Do you find 18 attractive?: my fine brother... why yes, we look just alike!!
What is 6's best feature?: his great smile!
what do you like about 10?: no matter the trials, she keeps a smile! (hey, that rhymed)
Is 3 a good friend?: yep, and a great big sis!
Out of 8, 17, 4, 16, 2 who would you sleep with?: sleep as in fall asleep... well, how about 17 since thats my sister! ;-)
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site ..END BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODETHIS IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE SONGS!!!! Take a listen... .. width="425" height="350" ....Get Your Own Voice Player ManageWOULDN'T YOU LIKE TO KNOW ABOUT ME??!!... naw, I'm a fun-loving Gemini who digs the social scene, attention, and history and aspires to be revolutionary... I'm nice, but not too nice......

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Cool people with interesting, diverse perspectives... I don't mind folks who want to share philosophies, mantras, and solutions to world issues. Basically, just don't be too ignant!

My Blog

Sexy Thursday... did you get some last night?

50 Mistakes Women Make During Sex what do you think???? I posted this on a blog because I wanted to see your feedback. I got it from a friend... so ladies, are you guilty?? fellas, is this list on po...
Posted by on Thu, 31 May 2007 07:32:00 GMT

We are NOT sorry individuals... we need each other!

FINALLY! Brothers, we have always needed you... nothing has changed! --------------------- Hip-Hop Owes Women An ApologyBy Chuck "Jigsaw" CreekmurAPOLOGY: a·pol...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 07:54:00 GMT

POVERTY or NO POVERTY: Let's Make A Deal

So... I rarely watch Deal or No Deal, but on occasion if I catch it, I will watch for a bit... I was playing nurse to the sickly (yeah... thats you, boo) last night and I was commenting on how this g...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 07:40:00 GMT

A REPOST was necessary - Bougie Myspacers

i had to repost this blog... so many of my friends find it necessary to approve comments before they are posted... do you have something to hide?  i'm not sure i understand this completely... yea...
Posted by on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 08:47:00 GMT

"I Did It My Way..."

this nigga JIGGA really did it his way... he retired and now he's coming back with Kingdom Come. this nigga JIGGA did have me up at 4:00 this morning getting ready to cheer, scream, and bounce-bounc...
Posted by on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 13:28:00 GMT


Dear Friends: Today most people will simply vote and go home. That's not enough. Whether you're voting today or you've voted early or absentee already, what you do today could determine the outcome ...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 07:54:00 GMT

Sepia Soul - What's it all about??????

We look forward to seeing everyone celebrating Homecoming this weekend - and all our friends who may not be - at our HAPPY HOUR: SEPIA SOUL!! no cover, free underground parking for 2 hours, free appe...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 14:54:00 GMT

i'm sorry

i have many friends who i cherish, believe in, am proud of, and appreciate. some of them, who didn't attend HBCUs, did not appreciate my previous blog.  i feel really bad that i hurt their feelin...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 13:59:00 GMT

Bernie Mac says,

I don't hate on any of my brothers and sisters getting an education, but its interesting to me that the schools didn't let your foremothers and forefathers in back in the day, but you rush to the...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 10:15:00 GMT

Centennial Remembrance: 1906 Atlanta Race Riot - Sept. 21-24

FRIENDS: this is my 2nd blog about it... you've read about it in the news... and if you haven't thats all the more reason to come... pay attention to Saturday's events... come out and participate! Cen...
Posted by on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 06:51:00 GMT