Music, Acting, Writing, Singing, Sports, Reading, Computers, Lobbying (for autism and other disabilities) Spending time with friends, Movies, Television, Trivia, Learning
"Consider today whether you are being called to a new capacity of loving that you would never find if it were not for this relationship. Once you exercise fear and make it your practice, once you try resentment and make it your habit, once you employ aggression and make it routine, those actions will dominate your destiny. No matter how painfully you've been wronged, stand in love in the midst of a huge temptation to be vengeful, prideful or hold back. The real nature of love is that the person you think has betrayed you the most is actually an agent of the divine offering you the opportunity for grace." Mary Manin Morrissey.This is the kind of person that I would like to meet and be.I'd really like to meet anyone who I can have an intelligent conversation with and have a good time with!
I listen to just about anything and everything. I am an accomplished pianist, violinist and vocalist. I prefer to listen to music that is very layered- lots of instruments and movement. I also like songs that are just piano and voice. I am very lyric driven. I love lyrics that mean something. Most of my favorite songs have a specific feeling or deep meaning for me. I feel that my favorite songs are the soundtrack to my life and I often can remember specific songs that are playing at key points in my lifetime. I take music very seriously.
I love movies. I prefer action over romance and comedy over drama, although there is a time and a place for romance and drama; preferably right before getting laid. Man, that makes me sound like a guy.....
Anything that is not a little kids show! Tivo has saved my life so that I can watch things when I have time. I like the Amazing Race. I am also an American Idol fan. I could just keep listing shows. However, if there is any sport being broadcast, it's on my television!
I love mystery novels and reading just about anything I can get my hands on and have time for. I read lots of books on Psychology, Autism, non-fiction, trivia...I could go on and on. I have been reading since I was 2 1/2 and once read Gone with the Wind in 6 hours. I can read just as fast upside down as I can the correct way and I can even read backwards. "they" call it hyperlexia. My kids inherited it from me, as my 2 year old (just turned) can already correctly identify his letters. Reading is a passion for me.
What is a hero? All heroes fall from grace. However, I celebrate those who are everyday heroes. The mothers of children who need extraordinary care, those who don't give up when life hands out huge trials, people who sacrifice their lives for others; those people are heroes.