Death Marching profile picture

Death Marching


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Friends, new people, and any awsome down to earth person who loves music and loves bustin a move


I really like all kinds of music, anything with a good beat, drum and bass, trance/house, rock, rap, will add stuff as it flows


Fuck tv, it just seems like such a waste of time, although adult swim, family guy, american dad, fururama, simpons, boondocks those are all worth it though. Also any TLC medical shows and history channels are cool to watch sometimes. i like learning about anything and everything, and love medical grossness. Other than that tvs evil.....


I cant think of any specifics at the moment but i do enjoy books and reading. Boosk are the originals, it drives me fucking nuts that people keep taking really good books and making movies out of them. stupid movie industry has no new good ideas, ever, and have to take these peoples ideas. Oh well, just rather read the book.


Hmmm, dont really have any

My Blog

Split Bannana on a Thurday

im a dreamer in the real mans world.....think im a little of both, half  gypsy half stardust. i fell in love with a fantasty and now im killing it.  i actually for once have the mit to catch...
Posted by Death Marching on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 03:06:00 PST

.......the end

so iv come to the conclusion that i totally have it in for myself, i mean fucking seriously. nothings really that bad, in fact things have kinda been kicking ass lately but ya know what, im not happy,...
Posted by Death Marching on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 11:31:00 PST

same old shit

so its the same old shit, im looked down apon becasue im just not fucking motivated enough, i work so fucking hard just to keep myself together that everything els around me falls apart....'im not res...
Posted by Death Marching on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 09:10:00 PST

1 out of 10 is always a blackened finger at the end of the night

oh so sad, at the end of the night my right indext finger is always blackened by the ash of bowls, fuckin stoner...iv had to much wine and i cant stop staring at so what do i do, get on my...
Posted by Death Marching on Sat, 25 Feb 2006 10:31:00 PST

LOL one more thing

hella funny, when i just posted that other lazyboy one it just turned 420, then this we be smokin trees song came on at the same time by sean paul, then the add at the top of the page was should maraj...
Posted by Death Marching on Sun, 05 Feb 2006 04:28:00 PST

La z boy bubble

the way i have my shit set up i sit in this one seater lazyboy chair, leather and comfy   probably horrible for my back, and my stupid little monitor is set up sitting on this old disfu...
Posted by Death Marching on Sun, 05 Feb 2006 04:22:00 PST

wtf and who knows why

its fucking 7 in the morning, nothing new. minds to active cant sleep, could try but whats the point.  i kinda like watching the sun come up, one perk. so what do i do, get dounuts and coffee, sm...
Posted by Death Marching on Tue, 31 Jan 2006 07:31:00 PST