Respirator profile picture


About Me

Born 1970 in Copenhagen, Denmark... Nah, who cares. My musical instrument of choice was the guitar - at age 2 or 3 - but when I really learned how to play it I was about 14. At 16 I taught myself to play the trumpet and in some ways it's always been my musical instrument of love (if not of skill). I've been in a rock band for more years than I care to remember - playing the guitar. I quit the band because of boredom and just stopped making music for a while. I still listened though - to all the things I'd been missing in the confined space that was the band - and that was what eventually started me making music again.

I've returned with the computer as primary instrument, combined with my guitar, my piano, some toy instruments, a bunch of kitchen utensils and an assortment of weird electric devices. Only band mate so far is - occasionally - my wife. I cherish the odd collaboration, usually done via internet. So if you are interested; please send an email.

I've got what some might call an eclectic taste in music. My LP collection contains Blood, Sweat & Tears as well as Messian. I don't like most commercial music - it is somewhat like candy; you might eat it sometimes, but in the end it's definately not good for you, and it surely won't keep you alive for long. Also, I try to steer away from direct influences. I can't and won't say that my music sounds like this band or that artist. I don't even like - or understand - genres. What's the difference between IDM, Glitch and Experimental anyway? Don't know, don't care.

My Interests


Member Since: 31/01/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Thomas Christensen a.k.a. respirator
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

New album: Traffic

I've finished a new virtual album, called Traffic. You can download it from my website: Enjoy!
Posted by on Sun, 12 Mar 2006 13:26:00 GMT

Blow your own Melodica

I've got a track on the excellent compilation "blow your own melodica". Check it out:
Posted by on Wed, 01 Feb 2006 12:38:00 GMT