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Drunken Gunmen

About Me

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"Drunken Gunmen" continue to be one of the most influential acts on the planet. From their early prog-rock recordings, such as "Hyperbolic Spheres of Pain" and "The Testament of a High-Handed Byzantine" through to the minimalist white noise of "Fractal Parsecs", the "Gunmen" have astounded and disturbed.Legendary producer Martin St James still recalls the "Fractal" sessions, which consisted of hours of binary code rendered on a melodica. "Phil [Glass] resigned from the project, citing 'artistic differences'. Fact was, he couldn't keep rhythm or play a freaking note."The same year, Kenny Loggins was rendered limbless by a pipe-bomb as he left his Hollywood home to audition for the "Gunmen". Similarly, both Alan Parsons and Todd Rundgren died in bizarre food processor accidents shortly after sending their resumes to "Gunmen" management.Some speak of the "Gunmen" curse. However video evidence has proven it was a stray smoke-bomb during the traditional pyro-technic finale of "Hey Buddha" which caused the ultimate tragedy of their 1993 Waco concert for the fine troops of the A,T & F. Current manager Charlton Heston bluntly puts it : "Don't freak with my boys".So the "Gunmen" continue to push back the envelope of art and misery. Recent live shows have been played entirely with the use of prosthetic limbs. Recording studios have been shunned , preferring instead to work with diesel generators in abandoned asbestos mines. Says original Gunman GEK : "Hate Is Art".

My Interests


Member Since: 30/01/2006
Band Website: www.spacedoutsounds.com
Band Members: Gek Snikkel - Guitars, vocals, drums, programming, keyboards Eponymous Bosch - Electronics, keyboards, guitars
Influences: Hawkwind, Monster Magnet, early Krautrock, early Cure
Record Label: Spaced Out Sounds
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Emerging from the celestial swamp

After 2 long years new DG recordings are finally a happening thing. Hope to have a new song posted this weekend, 'Oceans Rise'. Peace and hate GEK    
Posted by on Thu, 23 Oct 2008 14:42:00 GMT

I am merging with the infinite

Hallucination. Mind vibration. The Zodiac Lung beckons and I must answer its call. The cat understands. Three days till the festival of the Bull God. Twelve strings of doom in the birthplace of the na...
Posted by on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 05:18:00 GMT

Holy Crap, it's Gek!

Today I really feel like part of the blank generation. Staring into the limitless void. I have no presence on this plane.
Posted by on Mon, 30 Jan 2006 23:23:00 GMT