Family, Golf, Swimming, Music, Movies, Water Polo, Inner Tube Water Polo, Curling, Spain, Extremists and why they ruin the world, and people who own chess boards, but do not know how to play. And I love commas.
This guy. And ask him what the hell he was thinking:
Dave Mathews Band, David Gray, Eric Clapton, James Taylor, Jim Brickman, George Winston, Bee thoven, Mo zart, Viv aldi, Fle etwood Mac, Pink Floyd, Jack Johnson, Stin g, Tom Petty, Billy Joel, Jou rney, Eagl es, S teve Miller Band, The Police, The Doobie Brothers, Bad Company, Bo ston, Huey Lewis and the News, U 2, Matchbox 20, Collective Soul, The Wallflowers, Liv e, Chris Isaak, Wyclef Jean, Beach Boys, Indigo Girls, Bla ckhawk, Garth Brooks, Lyle Lovett, The Who, Bob Schneider, Duke Ellington, the Music of John Williams, Glory Soundtrack, The Phantom of the Opera, Manu Tenorio, Paco de Lucia, Moulin Rouge Soundtrack, Jackop ierce, Das hboard Confessional, Cold Play, Maka na, Talib Kweli, Rad iohead, Jason Mraz, John M ayer, Nora Jones, Blind Boys Of Alabama, Be atles, Crosby Stills Nash and Young, i need to stop for now
No, I have not seen 300 yet. Does that make me gay, or does that make me really straight for not watching a bunch of scantily clad dudes kicking ass?
I love NBC on Thursdays. Can't beat Scrubs, The Office, and 30 Rock all in one glorious evening. Not a big fan of my name is earl. I won't even capitalize the letters.
Aren't those movies, but with words? J K. Where the Wild Things Are, James a nd the Giant Peach, A Wr..le in Time, A Wi nd in the Door, Macb eth, The Bean Trees, Be owulf, Gi lgamesh, Collected works of Federico Garcia Lorca, The Harry Potter series, Jurassi c Park, BF G, Into Thin Air, Oed ipus Rex, The Ody ssey, The Iliad, To Kill a Mockingbird, A Bra ve New World, Oth ello, anything Dr. Seuss,...And all those other books that I read while I was in school. I know I ha ve read more but lord knows I have more to read. Isn't it w eird how in that last sentence you pronounce "re ad" as reed and red? I LOVE E NGLISH!
I take back my old quip about Alec Baldwin. The man is a genius. If you don't believe me, just watch 30 Rock.