Myspace Codes:
Myspace Codes:
Myspace Codes:
Find a guy who calls me beautiful instead of hot, who calls me back when I hang up on him, who will lie under the stars n listen 2 my heartbeat, or will stay awake just 2 watch me sleep. wait 4 the guy who kisses my forehead, who wants to show me off 2 the world when i'm in sweats, who holds my hand in front of his friends, who thinks i am just as pretty w/o makeup on. 1 who is constantly reminding me of how much he cares n how lucky hes 2 have me. The 1 who turns 2 his friends n says, "thats her....::THATS ALL I ASK OREADY FOUND IT:-)VIRGO ***** Great talker. LOVE IS ONE OF A KIND. Faithful and trustworthy.Always gets what he or she wants Laid back. Great kisser. The baddest motherfuckers on earth.