To the woman I love,
You will never know how much I love you, nor can I ever explain this. You have given me a chance to love, something I knew not how to do. You have given my soul light, after I thought there was no hope. You have broken down the walls and have opened my eyes to a better world. Once I was counting the years till death, now I have found a meaning to live. I did not want until you entered my life, now I need. Although there have been difficult times in the past, I can think of no one that I would have gone through them with. I love you, I love us.
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My family has always shown remarkable resiliency, and flexible adjustment to natural, economic, and social challenges. Its strengths resemble the elasticity of a spider web, a gull's skillful flow with the wind, the regenerating power of perennial grasses, the cooperation of an ant colony, and the persistence of a stream carving canyon rocks. It is not the strength of fixed monuments but living organisms. Its resilience is not measured by wealth, muscle or efficiency but by creativity, unity, and hope. My family memebers are my heros for they have survived pain, misfortune, and incredible loss. We have fought, cheated, lied, and hurt eachother, but one thing that has remained constant is the love and support that has always been there and allowed us to overcome our mishaps. Where other families have been destroyed by adversity, we have grown stronger and closer. I am proud to say that I am the middle child of Cynthia and Joseph Lemay, who sacrficed their lives for us and provided love in the purest form. My stepfather is William Werner, whom I have the outmost respect and love for. He came into this family under adverse conditions and has become more than "my mother's husband." He has become a second father and a dear friend. I am the brother of Mike who has shown devotion and love that mirrors our parents. Brother to Brian, whose strength and friendship has allowed me to grow from under his caring umbrella. Brother of Mark, whose intelligence and individuality, has proved to be inspirational. Brother to John, who has shown strength to overcome all obstacals. I am grandson of Jack and Margie Pendleton, who gave me unconditional love and whose comfort and guidance I still draw upon today. I am uncle to Corey, Travis, Shane, Gabrielle, Victoria, Devlin, Brooke, and Joseph; although I may not have been there all the time, they have given me love. I am brother-in-law to Karen and Donna, who have extended my family and provided more love in my life. My family has grown larger with the addition of Tina, John's wife, who has brought balance and order to my youngest brother's life, making his past a distant memory and future a bright hope. And most importantly, to the love of my life, who has overcome more than anyone I have known and still has a smile on her face. Her compassion and love have opened my world to a see a better place, one that I did not think exsisted. Heros are people we look up to, and I have to look high in the clouds to find these people - my family.