My name is Derrick, I love Metal, and I mean real metal! I dont like Slipknot and all that bullshit MTV crap, I hate Nu Metal and I cant stand todays modern Rap. My favorite genre is Death Metal, it is by far the most brutal and intense kind of music there is, next to DM is Classic Thrash and Speed Metal, I just love the classics. I like a little bit of Black Metal but not very much, and I kinda like a little bit of Folk and Viking Metal, Power Metal is okay but too much of it will drive me insane.
I hate Slipknot!
One of the most overrated sell out bands on the planet, what more can I say? No matter how aggressive they sound, they will always be a poser band with millions of poser fans(AKA "maggots".. more like faggots if you ask me.) It is nothing but a huge gimmick, dressing up stupid on stage and having sucky ass moshpits, and fans on youtube are the stupidist bunch ever! They call slipknot "Hevey Metal gods". first of all, thats not how you spell "heavy" and bands like Sabbath and Maiden came out way before them and those bands are the true heavy metal gods! You want to listen to that shit, then go right ahead, BUT DONT CALL IT METAL!