I just started spinnin' and I'm putting a lot of effort into being as good I as I can be. I've got crazy support from a few people and can see the strides I'm making...
Looking to keep in touch w/ old friends and maybe even some new ones. Oh yeah, and anyone wanting to buy a house!!!
top 5 mc's: 1. Jay Z 2. Nas 3. Mad Skillz 4. BlAck ThouGht 5. Common
top 5: 1. Requiem for a dream 2. Spun 3. Goodfellas 4. Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory (Gene Wilder would whoop Jonny Depp's ASS) 5.Old School (I'll Do ONE!)
Syrup, I swear I'm gonna make a movie outta that book. You just watch...
My Dad, for showing me everything NOT to do... My Mom, for showing me anything's possible... Lawrence, for teaching me what to look forward to... Sam, for teaching me lifes ropes... Draper, teaching me how not to be a pussy... Tapp, for making me laugh...