Heather profile picture


This goes out to Franco and all her crazy bitches!

About Me

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* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: Brown
Hair Color:: Brown
Height:: 5'1
Favorite Color:: Pink
Screen Name:: dont use mine
Favorite Band:: Weezer
Favorite Movie:: DUMB AND DUMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite Show:: Greys Anatomy...when i can watch it
Your Car:: Kia Sportage
Your Hometown:: North East
Your Present Town:: Unfortunately the same
Your Crushes First Name:: hmm.....?
Your Grade:: Out of school fow now :)
Your Style:: Lil of everything
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: Yes
Kissed someone in the rain?: Yes...its fun! They know who they are haha
Danced in a public place?: Oh ya all the time
Smiled for no reason?: Yes
Laughed so hard you cried?: Everytime im out with the girls
Peed your pants after age 8?: hope not haha but almost waitin in lines at some bars :)
Written a song?: yes actually haha but i dont think you wanna know what its about
Sang to someone for no reason?: Yes
Performed on a stage?: Does dancing count?..sherlocks
Talked to someone you don't know?: yes
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: im just a friendly person
Made out in a theatre?: yes
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: no but i really wanna go to skateway...ahh the good times
Been in love?: ya
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: Kristie
Tell you, I love you?: Mom
Kiss you?: Mom
Hug you?: Mom
Tell you BYE?: Kristie
Write you a note?: Cud bud left me a comment!!
Take your photo?: who knows haha
Call your cell phone?: Kristie
Buy you something?: Mom
Go with you to the movies?: Dan, Gotta love those scary movies :)
Sing to you?: well not to me but last band i saw was leader of men
Write a poem about you?: can't remember
Text message you?: Jul
Touch you?: Charlie...my cat
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: When Jory said ouch on the phone, it was so cute
Time you cried?: Yesterday im sick :(
Movie you watched?: Saw 3
Joke you told?: ?
Song you've sang?: Crazy Bitch
Time you've looked at the clock?: half hour ago
Drink you've had?: Water
Number you've dialed?: Dan
Book you've read?: John Lennon book
Food you've eaten?: KFC mashed potatoes
Flavor of gum chewed?: Wintergreen
Shoes you've worn?: Clogs
Store you've been in?: Dots
Thing you've said?: Nite
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: No but i write left handed and do mostly everything else right handed
Whistle?: sometimes
Blow a bubble?: yes
Roll your tounge in a circle?: No
Cross your eyes?: Yes
Touch your tounge to your nose?: No but Kelin can as we discoved at perkins one drunken nite at about 4 in the morning :)
Dance?: If you don't know the answer to this one you have apparently never seen me out!
Gleek?: hahaha
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: yes do it all the time
Speak a different language?: Used to speak spanish
Impersonate someone?: if im drunk
Prank call people?: no i laugh to much
Make a card pyramid?: no
Cook anything?: yes im actually not that bad
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: Nurse id be makin a lot more money!
I wish ...: I wasn't sick
So many people don't know that ...: I play piano
I am ...: fun, easy going, have fun anywhere!
My heart is ...: available but cautious
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You are a shopahollic!!! You are kinda spoiled but loved by everyone!! You love clothes and people and thats whats great about you!!
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

My Interests

Football (the Steelers), drinking, shakin it with my girls, especially Smallz!!, Hamot sullivans nite or any place else where there is a group of us never has a dull moment haha, hangin out, SHOPPING!! Traveling, NYC, Goin out and partyin with local bands :) ..

I'd like to meet:

The entire Pittsburgh Steelers team!!


EVERYTHING, especially if its live!


DUMB AND DUMBER, Meet the Fockers, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Save the Last Dance, Center Stage, Billy Madison, Ace Ventura, Wedding Date, The Note Book, 50 first dates, Chicago


Will and Grace, Greys Anatomy, Friends, General Hospital, Football, Dancing with the Stars, American Idol, Amazing Race


You know who i am talkin bout Jul! All my drunkin convos _ _ _ _ _ _! LOL..