michael profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Alrite fuckers
I am michael or whatever you wanna call me
I am in a relationship i am afraid ladies with a girl called claire for over a year, i love her to bits she has changed my life in so many ways
My friends are better than yours trust me
I dont get to see some of them as much as i want too but yer. But you know who you are carl, toms, dave, mads, sam, bullie, adam etc etc.
I am studying graphics in gloucester and am on my 2nd year of HND graphics it aint going so great atm but hopefully i will be able to pikc up
I have 8 piercings =D
* Labret
* 1 nose
* Left ear lobe stretched to 10mm
* Left ear lobe again
* Left ear cartilage
* 3 in Right ear lobe
* Nipple
* Belly Button
Getting septum soon
That is it for now bitches
Random Facts About Me:
Drinkin is fun!
I hate papercuts (it is my one phobia)
I have kissed a guy, i wasnt trying to be 'emo' i was just very drunk
Cheese= love
I think their should be a 99p coin!
I know how to horseride =O
The thing above i havnt done for a long time
I am loyal in relationships
I can get jelous over silly little things
I eat to much food
But... i dont put weight on
Pub= love
Men Behaving Badly is legendry
I could not live a day without my music
I have never cheated on anyone
The more friends the better!
I am a lazy bumb (according to lu) and i wont dispute it either
My music has quite a range from drum n bass to death metal
Gloucester is a shit hole but i love it
I hate it if someone has bad breathe
I love going to gigs and have seen over 70 well known bands live plus lots of local ones
I have and undying knowledge of flags of the world for some reason
I am in love
Nobody knows the greatness of little big adventure!
I enjoy moshing at gigs!
I shower everyday atleast and still stink =P
I could live on Treacle tart
I am learning drums
body { background-image:url('http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v330 /miss_piggy34/MikeBack.jpg');

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I bumb this band up the arse very hard and will continue too

My Blog

BBQ/House Party at mine

So yer on friday i decided to arange a house party/bbq was all setup with the hlep from co organiser dave lol =P.But yer a few people decided to back out on me and was close to callin it off. But then...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 05:46:00 GMT

Mans stoning night out at crickley hill. (pics)

Ok so we had abit of a mans night out last night. We trecked up crickley hill basically and got real drunk and stoned and just slept in the woods was well fun Best start to a week in time was so funny...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 13:16:00 GMT

Last 2 weeks with dave, alice, mads, jess and peoples (fat blog lots of pics)

Last 2 weeks with dave, alice, mads, jess and peoples have been truley amazing and fun  'theres a tractor coming and it is not slowing down run!' Was all good cept for catchin my ear yesterd...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 15:15:00 GMT

Dave and my adventure to B&Q to meet hayley and then some.(with pictures)

THE WALKAhh last night was immense i met with dave then hayley and we had the most sober fun we have had in ages rather shocked we didnt drink still.Ok soooo me and dave met at about 8 ummm on monday ...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Mar 2006 07:33:00 GMT

Old Skool! DRUNK! Gloucester crew bigging it up with pictures!

So yer me hayley n dave did the old skool thing yesterday and got drunk outside =D after spending the afternoon at the pub. I got so crazily drunk it was great havnt had so much fun in ages.. It was s...
Posted by on Tue, 14 Feb 2006 04:41:00 GMT