i like to freak. get wit me.
husbands and wives who call each other "mother" and "father."
dresden dolls, david bowie, peggy lee, babs, flaming lips, kate bush, tori, serge jane and charlotte, cyndi lauper, prince, etc.
manhattan, me and you and everyone we know, welcome to the dollhouse, funny girl, reality bites, fat girl. strangers with candy ("jerri, are you thinking about the science project?"...), little miss sunshine (one scene in this movie made me laugh so hard i couldn't breathe. i don't normally laugh during movies so this says a lot.)
gilmore girls (seasons 1-6. anything after the amy sherman era is crap) and dr. katz.
sarah vowell's books, the power of myth with bill moyer and joseph campbell, chuck klosterman's books, franny and zooey, nine stories, no one belongs here more than you, lorrie moore's short stories, amusing ourselves to death, extremely loud and incredibly close. oh, and i just bought "bitchfest" which i can't wait to read. it's about time my favorite magazine came out with a book...
not so much heroes as people i like to stalk on-line and in stores because i'm in love with their writing, art, music, whatever: miranda july, amanda palmer, tori amos, sarah vowell, amy sedaris, amy sherman-palladino, j.d. salinger, joseph campbell, lorrie moore and janeane garofalo. i'm always looking for people to add to this list so if you know of any, let me know.