Leslie profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Well.....I had this filled out....then all of a sudden it was deleted. Anyways.....I'm 25......an ex soldier and used to work at Lowe's in madisonville, ky. Now I'm a professional wrestler. Other than that.....I'm an easy going guy who tries to put family and friends first in life. Not an easy thing to do sometimes. I finally have a website for my wrestling character,you should check it out. www.freewebs.com/asoldierforever. As of Oct. 10 I've been working for Hunter Marine Transport out of Nashville on a tow boat and I'm gone for 28 days and home 14 days. It's rough but somehow we're making it. I'm still wrestling in my spare time where I hope to continue to hone my skills. Recently, me and Krystal went our seperate ways, I'm still wanting to be in theboys lives, it's really a delicate situation for both of us though.

My Interests

Mainly wrestling, football, working out, and poetry.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone that's cool and down to earth!!!


anything really but primarily classic rock


We Were Soldiers, anything with Adam Sandler in it or Denzel


WWE programming, nfl network


W.E.B. Griffin's novels, anything by James Patterson


My father.....God rest his soul!!!

My Blog

Rough Times

Well, I'm about 24 days into my 37 day trip, came back early to save money.  Unfortunately, myself and Krystal are no longer dating, I'm still wanting to be involved with the boys, but I think me...
Posted by Leslie on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 01:20:00 PST

one more thing

If anyone knows a way I could earn some extra cash around the area these next couple of weeks please let me know.  thanks
Posted by Leslie on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 05:16:00 PST

Good news!!!!

I got off the boat early, I got a promotion from deckhand to leadman.  I'm switching rotations as well.  I now go back on aug. 22 for 4 weeks and so on and so forth.  But I'll be making...
Posted by Leslie on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 05:15:00 PST

Great match

Well, had my first match last night since march for KWA in madisonville.  had a 6 man tag match against the lee brothers.  I went very well, I even got some compliments on the match.  B...
Posted by Leslie on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 04:12:00 PST

Some new stuff

Well, we're not back to the way things were, but me and krystal are starting to.  I think in the long run we actually may end up having a stronger relationship after this.  It was a rough or...
Posted by Leslie on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 05:25:00 PST

Say hello

Well, I'm gonna be getting into the ring again soon after a 3 month absense.  I'm creating a new character called "The Southern BadBoy".  I'm talking to members of Mid-South Championshi...
Posted by Leslie on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 04:16:00 PST


Well, since coming home wed. and running into a big rough spot with my fiance, I've been thinking alot.  How is it possible that you try so hard at something, you put everything you have into and...
Posted by Leslie on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 07:16:00 PST

Just got home

well, I made it through another 28 days on the boat.  Got home, and well, now things have turned prettye bad, mainly because of a stupid choice I made.  Me and Krystal are not doing well, I ...
Posted by Leslie on Thu, 31 May 2007 05:47:00 PST

Latest news!!!!

Well, only 3 more days till I'm back on the boat for 28 days.  Thought I'ld post a blog and comment on my latest thoughts all the way around.  First off, wrestling.  I wasn't able to w...
Posted by Leslie on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 05:48:00 PST

Recent changes

Well, first off sorry everyone for not being on much.  I've been home for a week but the internet didn't get turned on till yesterday.  Me, Krystal, Malique, and Trevor are now living in an ...
Posted by Leslie on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 12:22:00 PST