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Jake Perry

She's the yellow pair of running shoes, a holy pair of jeans, she looks great in cheap sunglasses, s

About Me

I am really ambitious, loyal, honest, and hard-working, I know what I want and I know what I need to do to get it! You best believe I know my shit! You see, the thing of it is... There are very few people who know what they really want and even fewer who are willing to risk everything for it! I at one time risked everything for what I wanted and I lost! No regrets though, I can't say I'd do it again exactly the same way if I had the chance or choice, but I learned alot from taking those risks and the juice was definately worth the squeeze! Everything happens for a reason I believe! I will not let the uncertainties of the future hold me back from getting or having what I want! If having things turn out the way you want them to is a measure of a man's success, then some would say I am a failure. The important thing is not to be bitter about life's disappointments. Learn to let go of the past... and recognize that everyday won't be sunny, and when you find yourself lost in the darkness and despair.... remember, that it's only in the black of night that you can see the stars and those stars will lead you back home. So don't be afraid to make mistakes, to stumble and fall, because most of the time, the greatest rewards come from doing the things that scare you the most! Maybe you'll get everything you wish for! Maybe... you'll get more than you ever could of imagined! Who knows where life will take you, the road is long and in the end... the journey is the destination!

My Interests

My life is pretty filled up with baseball, working out, school, and work! I bartend in Tempe/Scottsdale and am hoping to be doing the same in Vegas very soon! I try to stay busy, but I'm always interested in a night out on the town, drinking/dancing/ meeting new people or even a night at home with a good home cooked meal and a movie! By the way, I'm a great cook! Don't believe me, come find out for yourself. Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

I'd like to meet:

At this moment, there are 6,502,867,120 people in the world, give or take a few... And sometimes all you need is one, for better or for worse. The more and more I try to understand women the more confused I get. (Go figure, right!?!?!) But I came to the realization that if i understood women it would more than likely take the fun and mystery out of it! Getting to know all the little quirks and trying to understand them is just a little bit of what makes every relationship special and unique. No, I'm not looking for that special person on here, but anyone real... I've met too many fake people and psycho women since moving to the Phx area! So if you are real and not psycho please feel free to hit me up!


Too many to list but love watching movies of any genre.


Shit.... I only have time to read whatever these crazy professors at ASU assign me.


My parents!!

My Blog


So I know a lot of you do not know this but I used to be one hell of a baseball player! I was a projected top 4 round pick out of high school but I opted to go to college instead, in hopes o...
Posted by Jake Perry on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 05:55:00 PST