someone that is very open-minded about a broad spectrum of subjects, loves, and lives for music more than I do (hmph, that'll be the day...)., and someone who genuinely appreciates other peoples opinions, not only mine, and knows how to accept the fact that he/she is wrong, and takes corrective measures to prevent future failure... and they have to make me laugh more than i make myself laugh (the only one to achieve such an honor so far is Dane Cook) Also, friends... and I mean real friends... for those of you who don't know what those are... I'm sorry you've had to live this long and not experience true Friendship. I love You Lisaaaa I love You Liane-bug You two are the reason I haven't ended it all yet... ..::[tear...tear]::.. I don't understand how people can live without their life support, and by that i mean true friends, cuz that's what my friends, the are my sustenance, the reason i live, my whole being... I hope everyone has friends like mine, because I am sure glad I have the ones I do...
someone that is willing to put the kind of time, dedication, and love into a relationship that I am willing to put in. I don't know why this is such a hard concept to grasp, but for some reason, it just is...woe is me
to fully elaborate on this subject would take more time than I have been alive, sooooo.... take it as this:
if not for music, i wouldn't be
(and no this is not a contradiction to my previous statement above; music, and friends are what I am comprised of. at some times one more than the other, but usually, they are equal, and go hand-in-hand) here's a sample:
I want to give a personal shout out to all my real friends that are also on myspace. i love all of these people, and without them, i don't know how or where i'd be. there isn't any particular order, cuz they are all tha bomb!!!God, Angela, Will, Ryan, Kim, Melani, Monique, Greg Kim G, Lisa, Liane, Ashley S, Elizabeth, Tiffany, Normane, Michael, Alex, Roderick, Chris, Holsey, Nyeisha, Julie, Alyssa, Almalita, Farrah, Kelly, Kendra, Tia, Courtney, Daryl, Tamari, Tegan, Doug, Eric, Casey, Wendi, Whitney, Leslie, Butterman, Lecia, Darryl E, Tara, Robin, Max, Vinny, Cody, Summer, Ashley S(2), Wesley, Jessica, Kim H, Chad, Jackie and Skye, Britany, Theresa, Faaiza, Charles, Sikudhani, Mawiyah, Toshi, Aaron, Nadira, Tanisha, Daryl, little Daryl, Jahaan, Sulimon, JB, Isai, Leslie, Durrah, Robert, Luke,all these people are wonderful, and they all make me smile when i need to without trying...friends are forever
i can't get enough... people used to think I was a genius, because I knew a lot of things... I wasn't born with that knowledge, I just taught myself at a young age, I wanted to set myself apart form others my age, so i turned to one of the biggest knowledge resources i could find... books. live, learn, and then get books. it will change your life, and the way you think, I promise...
the people that have that undying inner strength to get through the worst of times, without batting an eyelash...