STARS,food,eating,cooking,shopping, goin 2 d parlor, billiards, cars, driving, sleeping, coffee breaks, long talks, d beach and d sun.. myself!hahaha! past n present friends.. ;)special sum1? *nah... iv gt d best..ya i knw,ds only happens once in a lifetime to me..but m really..really sure that im truly inlove this time..definitely inlove... haha.. ;)"I know that what I've found is once in a lifetime And I know there's no way out, Cause it's once in a lifetime...." *MrLg..*
r n b, trance, senti, reggae.. khit ano..bsta d rock
50 1st dates, a walk to remember, the notebook, 2 fast 2 furious, rush hour1 & 2, my bestfrnd's wedding,maid in manhattan,wedding planner, cinderella story,tokyo drift,, madame pa!hahahaah! ;)
Lizzie mcguire..hehe.. the simple life.. cooking shows...hehe
cook books lang! hehe! ;)