For anyone who hasn't talked to me in a while-- I graduated from the University of Southern Mississippi with my degree in theatre and a minor in music. I spent the first 2 years after college working around the country in regional theatres. Then I decided it would be nice to have a home where my things stay, instead of living out of my car. So I moved with a college friend to New York City. I've been here since June 2005, and apart from the winter, I loved it! There was just one thing missing up here, and that was James. So we got engaged in March and then we got MARRIED on September 23, 2006 after 8 YEARS of dating! We had an amazing honeymoon to Italy and then cappped it off with a 3 day trip with jetlag in a uhaul back to New York with lots of furniture and wedding presents. We now live in Park Slope, Brooklyn in what we think is the cutest apartment ever. James has a real job in investments, and I temp/audition. So far being married is more wonderful than I ever could have imagined.
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