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About Me

Myspace Glitters

Hey all, welcome to myspace. I moved to Silverdale Washington from Durango Colorado in July 06. I never thought I'd miss D-town, but I do miss my friends and my old Apple Shack. Really miss my peeps. Its a lil strange being far away from home for the first time. I'm big on family, so I miss my dad and my little bro. My lil bro has always been my rock and it's hard not to be near him. I came to WA with my older brother whos in the navy. I'm glad I'm up here with him cause someone has gotta share in this crazy, boring, and and downright strange trip we call "living in Washington". He wanted to help me get out of my home town and see something new, so I guess it's quid pro quo.I love the fact that I'm up here with him, but unfortunatly, he's going on some trip for a while and wont be here. That makes me kinda sad, but so goes it I guess. I've met so many cool people up here, seriously, good times for sure!! Startin to really love life!! What's Your Angel Seeking For? .:BEAUTIFUL Anime Pics AND Music!:.
The Truth
Your angel seeks for the truth. Your angel is part of you. Thus, you are the kind of person who values honesty more than most things in this world. You are strong-willed, and a bit stubborn at times. In love, you seek for someone who will understand you, and never cheat on you. This would probably hurt you a lot, as it would to a lot of people. But it would probably hurt you the most. You are brutally honest, and you voice your opinions a lot. Go you!
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My Interests

Clubs, Dancing, Drinking, Inteligent Conversations, Hanging out, Friends

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I'd like to meet:

Anybody cool and fun to hang out with. Honest peeps, whoever. Oh, and FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!
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"I LOVE MUSIC!! I like the regae and jazz so rock and roll could be cool, alternative too I love the rythem and blues but I'M A HIP-HOP BABY... but never flip-flop baby!!!" "GIVE ME A DRINK AND A SONG AN I'LL BE STRESS FREE KICKIN' IT ALL NIGHT LONG!!!..." -BONE THUGS Seriously, I do love music, ask if you really want to know. lovin Panic at the Disco, Fallout Boy, and American Rejects! Anything that makes me move and JAM OUT!! My c.d. collection would tell you R&B Hip Hop Girl, but I'm really into other stuff right now.


Fav of all time... How to Loose a Guy In Ten Days, obviously, all the HP movies, except the third one, that one SUCKED! any movies that stir me in anyway except disgusted.
Glitter Images from TWIZABOO.com


Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewifes, Buffy, American Dad, Family Guy, Lost, Smallville, Friday Night Lights, ... hmm... I like the Disney channel. I didn't have it as a kid, so fare warning, I do now! lol oh, and getting into Smallville, Thanks Brother


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OBSESSED with Harry Potter, and when I say obsessed, I mean OBSESSED!!! Really liked The Shinning, and anything written in good taste with passion. 'He's Just Not That Into You'


My Brothers 4sho!! And my Dad!!

My Blog

Honda Civic Tour ROCKED!!!

So I went to the Honda Civic Tour last night in Tacoma, BEST NIGHT EVER!!! Seriously, I don't think I've ever had so much fun in my life!!! OMG!!! I took my good great friend Parker for his B-day pres...
Posted by Rachael on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 10:14:00 PST


George Carlin's Views on Aging Do you realize that the only time in our lives when we like to get old is when we're kids? If you're less than 10 years old, you're so excited about aging that you think...
Posted by Rachael on Tue, 01 May 2007 02:01:00 PST

The Fairy Tale we should have been read...

This is the fairy tale that should have been read to us when we were little:   Once upon a time   ~~~~~~~~   in a land far away,   ~~~~~~~~   a beautiful, independent, ...
Posted by Rachael on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 10:04:00 PST

To all my SISTERS

A young wife sat on a sofa on a hot humid day, drinking iced tea and visiting with her Mother. As they talked about life, about marriage, about the responsibilities of life and the obligations of adul...
Posted by Rachael on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 10:26:00 PST

Crazy Drama Work Money Ruins X-Mas

OMG!! Crazy drama last night with my friends, but at least I could be there for them. You know I love you girls and I'm always here for you. F-ing wisdom teeth SUCK!! I had mine growing in and went an...
Posted by Rachael on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 09:44:00 PST