YO, just getting started with the myspace stuff. Basically i am your average person, except that i spend almost all my time gambling in some way or another.I have been playing poker for 5 years now, and for the last 3 as my only job. My goal is to finally fade some of the bad luck and be rich as hell. I also spend some time gamblin on the pool tables, if the spot it right.I worked for Bluff Magazine(america's largest poker magazine) for about a year...9 months writing an article about my poker career in las vegas...and 3 months as managing editor. It was a great experience and i realized how much i enjoy writing.I like to travel but other than that dont get out of the house nearly enough.I get along famously with my family and love spending time with em. My brother is on here, and he is a bad ass(in a non bad ass kind of way). He does background checks for a living and has hopes of a career on TV. My sister lives in NYC and is a professional opera singer. I guess that is pretty cool, although i cant stand the stuff. My parents are cool as hell, and have no real problems with me being a "professional gambler" so thats pretty bad ass. I cant imagine how difficult it would be if they were whole heartedly against it.so thats me in a nutshell.
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