TIFFANY profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I am a city girl born and raised...I have lived in Dallas my entire life and still love it.I have been married to my awesome husband Clint for 8 years and we live in a house that I LOVE..We have two adorable daughters, 6 and 2, who I cherish more than anything..I love to brag about my huge Italian family and about eveybody in it..Everybody lives mostly in a five mile radius and they run a few family owned and operated businesses together..We see eachother pretty much everyday. It is a very Italian type atmosphere too. My grandmother is always in the back making cakes, Italian cookies, Italian sausage, talking in Italian to the customers..I also have great parents who we spend a lot of time w/. My girls keep me very busy and I usually spend my days entertaining them..I work in the radio business and i LOVE it!! It is the best job ever and I only work three days a week so that makes it even better.. When the weekends come around we love to go out w/ friends..I love going out to any new restaurants or bars. I love to laugh, talk, analyze everything and I love to eat all kinds of weird food, designer jeans, i'm a JUICY freak, I must have on heals even w/ sweats, love Louis, Chanel, Gucci, Dolce, etc...(all the good stuff) love to dress up more than down, I like to have a variety of sunglasses to choose from.......I like to get a little crazy..I am all around a very happy and extremely fun person who loves life!!Layout Provided By - Myspace Layouts

My Interests

hanging out w/ my family and friends, shopping, working out, running, outdoor activities, traveling, hanging out by my pool, decorating my house and buying stuff to fill it up, I love eating Mexican food, eating my Grandmother's homemade Italian sausage, buying clothes and shoes...and purses..I use to be obsessed w/ laying out, but then I turned 30 and made myself stop..It is hard.. I am a sun goddess!!! But I will never stop going to the beach..


I love so many types of music..I love my "party" music..Anything that gets me in the mood for fun..Mostly old school rap and hip-hop/R@B (Yes, I LOVE Michael Jackson from the Thriller time period,) your basic Top 40,But I also like all different kids of rock and some country, !!...I love 80's music too!! I guess I like a little bit of everything..I have too many favorites to list.!!! .I also love anything that reminds me of my Italian roots and family like Sinatra, Deano, Louis Prima..It is always on at my Grandparent's house or in the car w/ my dad.. But most of the time I am listening to Disney songs w/ the kiddos


I have way too many to list, but a few are..anything w/ Luke or Owen Wilson, I LOVE Vince Vaughn.. Pulp Fiction, Urban Cowboy, Saturday Night Fever, Shawshank, Terms of Endearment..anything w/ Matthew McConaughey, Jim Carey number one choice being Dumb and Dumber, Tommy Boy, Nacho Libre, love Jack Black, Adam Sandler, Will Farrell, ..Also, I love Al Pacino or Robert DeNiro Movies..The Godfather, and my favorite movie that I have to watch everytime it is on TV is Rocky..(I am the oly person in the world that loved Rocky 6.)


I am an American Idol Nerd. I have watched every season and wait for the next season to start..I love all the talent shows and Clint and I are pretty competitive when we watch them..I love any type of news show like Dateline NBC or any crime solving mystery.. Dr. Phil, I like The Office, My Name is Earl, Girls Next Door (gotta look for Amber), Anything on VH1 or E.., I like any old Seinfelds..I am trying to get into shows like Grey's Anantomy, Desperate Housewives, but I always forget to watch them or there is ALWAYS sports on 80% of the time.


I read everyday to the girls, but the books are usually on a 1st grade level. We go to the library every few weeks.. But when I am reading an adult book, I love to read books with a purpose, not really fiction.. I like self help type books or philosophical books...I think i like magazines better now that I think about it!!


My biggest hero is my dad..He is such a great person..He is the perfect example of how I want to lead my life. To me..He is the PERFECT role model and hero...There are so many great people to look up to in my family..I find great qualities in my mom, husband, gradparents..If I can be a combination of all of them, I am doing alright..