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New CD (Apple Seed Fungus)coming soon *buy it*

About Me

Im Stewart Johnson you may remember me from the covers of people magazines and time magizines,i am a musition from 1969 to 2006 and im still in the shoes that i was back then becuase ever since i started me career i new that i was goingt o be succesful i won many awards and i have been anominated for many reward such as grammy awards and american idiol awards in the past years i met the love of my life at mt 2nd gig i have ever done in my musical career her name was BETTYLOU she was the most prettyiest bindle of joy i have evr layed eyes on and we got married and had kids of course but we nly adopted one her name is lucy my little booboobop well let me get back to the main atraction i have put out 570 cds in the past 3 years and im still going you may remember The Microphone Gang,Jucussi Party,Guys with Guns,dont be knocking on my door,handling triggers, and toms more well thats basicly all i have to say so ill have to let you go no so buy and have a good day.P.S.=(Me and Jon are putting out a new CD APPLE SEED FUNGUS Buy it)Sinncerly, Stewart Johnson
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My Interests

Im into Alot of Diffrent sports PingPong,Pool,Swimming,Fishing,Sking,Water Sking,Hiking,Snorkoling,Jogging,Yoga,Tychi,Karate,Twicondo,a nd alot more activities i also like to play hide n go seek with my little baby Lucy and i like to mate with my wife and alot more cool stuff.

I'd like to meet:

I would like to Meet Bonny Joe the Grandmama Or John Anderson
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I like orchastra the doobiy brothers,the bangie sisters,Alic Mcflora,Micki Kickia,Bango Twins,Joey Nockspin,Nucular Bullet,robbing suicide,mike nelli,olly nelson,The yanks,Micensly Explosion,Lickerself,Ginaflinch,kinsy in the door,Kiyuarodo,Makidildo,Rodger Offree,Mickey Waters,Gutar Lexurars, Simon and garfuncle,Johny Cash,Lucka springfelild GreenSay,YesJohn Anderson,Seal,The Beatles,The Who,Mettalica,Pink Floyd,LedZepplin and alot more tunes.


The love Bug,Smokey and the bandit,Micropower,JiddyJiddyBangBang, Like Mike,Princess and the bride,The goodfellas,The wiggles,all the jacky Chans, Bruce Lee Movies,and alot more others.


Making the band, the ozzbourns,sexgames,hollywood sex,teenage girl and daddy,me and daddy alone,biker babes 19,and alot more


Magical Tree house Books .convert


Mickey Mcflora,Superman,Bill Gates, George Bush, and alot more.