I love the Lord and I won't take it back. God has richly blessed me through the years and especially in the days of Katrina.
I am second generation Church of God in Christ. But most importantly, I am a member of the Body of Christ. That's the church that really counts. I know what it means to have a relationship with God and to be in love with Jesus.
People don't believe me when I say that I'm quiet and shy, but it's true. At times I am outspoken - if there is a cause. But I have always been a bit shy and very private. As time goes by, I find myself coming around more and more.
Now about this whole MySpace Thing! Honestly, I can't believe that I actually have a page. After I joined in January 2006, it took about 10 months for me to add anything other than my name to this page. It was even a greater leap to put my picture on here. What made me really do something was when I saw that Bishop G.E. Patterson had a MySpace page. I said to myself, if the Presiding Bishop of the Church of God in Christ is cool like that, then what the heck, why not me!
At that point I just went for it: backgrounds, slideshows, music playlists, the whole gamult. I just let my creativity and imagination take control. And this is the result of it. But the real credit for my page's existence goes to my girl Kaiomi, my friend Keya, and my Baby Sister, Georgette. Thanks a million!
I guess there is nothing left for me to say but, Welcome to MY Space. I hope you enjoy!
It's Just Me!!
Nothing Like Friends
Rest In Peace Daddy, Rest In Peace. ..
Meet The Family!