Raquel profile picture


I left my heart in Califronia

About Me

Hello! I'm 25 years old Yes I'm quarter of a century( ahhh scary but good). I am a Whittier College graduate and loved every memory I made there. I recently got accpeted into Redlands MBA program but have had to deffer it since I am on my way to my second depolyment. I was blessed with an AMAZING family and wonderful friends. My sister Irene has been the greatest gift I've been given and I love her more than anything. My Mami is the kind of women that I want to be when I finally finish growing up ( does that ever happen... ha ha ha) She always inspires me. Not only have I been blessed with a great family but God put Vince in my life. He is the most amazing man. I am so lucky that GOD put him in my life. I can't wait to go home and become his wife. My lil Jacqueline and Farrah are so special to me. I learn so much from them each and every day I love them more than they know. Trish your one of a kind. Our friendship has gone through so much and each trial made it stronger. I know that 30 years from now we will still be hanging out people watching... to many great memories. Of course my Thalian sisters who have given me some of the best memories of my life. The Thalians will always hold a special place in my heart.My T sisters are amazing women!!!! Layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts Newest / Music / Movies

My Interests

Politics, Sports, music, crafts,movies
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I'd like to meet:

GOD! and People that try to make a postive change in the world.check out these sites: http://www.sathome.org/index.htm
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Love a little bit of everything I love to listens to a variety but love to dance to Hip Hop, Salsa and Merenge and I gotta have me some sublime.


Sixteen Candles Fav movie of all times!!! but i love will farrell and adam sandler, scarface, the godfrather I II II, sandlot, Bridget jones's diary, Love actually, In her shoes, oceans eleven,top gun...hummm i could go on for days let just say I have tons of DVDS then again I am stuck in the middle east with time on my hands but it's just not the same when I don't have Vince to cuddle with.


So Law and Order Rules!!!! Project Runway is too much fun. Trump is also a fav. Love some Sports Center, CNN, MTV and Comedy Central!!! sex and the city, friends, seinfeld, Real World, Road Rules, Fear Factor, Chappelle show, Survior,arrested developement but ever since I am out here in the sandbox it's DVD central.


I really enjoy reading Latin American Lit. love to read Ruben Dario, Federico Garcia Lorca, and many more i can't think of at this moment. But I also love reading Auto Bio's and books related to history and political events.


My Mom and sister they are very strong women! I also admire people who follow thier dreams and don't let other run thier lives. ................. "If God brings you to it, He'll get you through it"............"If you don't believe in something you'll fall for anything"