faith, love, family, friends, traveling, soccer, coffee, kanakuk, cotton candy, memories, piano, art
anyone who owns a gold mine, a pizza parlor, or both
arovane, fischerspooner, boards of canada, deathcabforcutie, brandnew, the amelie soundtrack, ulrich schnauss, kim hiorthoy, pinback, optigonallyyours, aqualung, copeland, cash, blindside, for all the drifters, interpol, coldplay, mae, twothirtyeight, sufjan stevens, blackblackocean, david crowder, radiohead, blonderedhead, pedrothelion, relientk, freescha, elliotsmith, froufrou, therapture, underoath, mewithoutyou, numberonegun, citizencope, etc. etc. etc.....
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, amelie, garden state, muppets from space, billiards, anything produced in coffeen, fight club, lone wolf mcquade
the Bible, the cost of discipleship (bonhoeffer), life together (bonhoeffer), mere christianity (c.s. lewis), blue like jazz (miller)
parents, ryne, shippy