Tattooing, piercing, branding, supension, body modification and history, arts, entertainment, music, local music, Pittsburgh...and much much more.
People interested in modifications: Tattoo, piercing, implants, suspension, branding and other extreme modifications.
As for music anything and everything-We also encourage people to bring their own music to the the shop in order for them to feel more comfortable while getting body modifications done. Each person that works at the shop has their own idea of what music is and what they like to listen to. On any given day we will listen to the 50ies, 60ies, 70ies and 80ies. From Elvis to Dr. Dre we will listen to it all.
Can you say movie buffs? Seriously-If we tried naming all of our favorite movies it woulld make us look demented-wait a minute, we are demented? I mean, um no we are not! Shhhhhh....
We all got hooked into the Iron Chef-yeah I know, pathetic eh? It is kinda like watching a bad old school kung-fu movie...but hey-who knew you could make so much out of the stomach lining of a squid before! ;-)
All of us indulge in some sort of reading whether it is personal interest and or a particular author. We also have a wide varity of reference books that we use for helping our customers who are looking for a particular feeling, look and overall meaning for their modificatoins.Yeah we read!
We all have hero's-having one is the important thing...mushy. BLAH