milquetoast profile picture


I will come. Armed with indifference, and whiskey sharpened wit.

About Me

I'm sure I've had enough to now when I have had enough, I think I know enough to know!

My Interests

Self Destruction/Reinvention

I'd like to meet:



Beach House, The Blow, Wolf Parade,Tokyo Police Club,NEUTRAL MILK HOTEL, Daniel Johnston, Islands, Castanets, BRIAN ENO, Sufjan Stevens, Electrelane, M83, Architecture in Helsinki, ARCADE FIRE, Ladytron, Coil, Devandra Banhart, American Analog Set, Depeche Mode, Black Eyes, Destroyer, Of Montreal, Mountain Goats, Magnetic Fields, Stereolab, Pavement, Joy Division, Pinback, The Posies, Atl. 88.5, Modest Mouse (the older stuff mostly), Built to Spill, Yo La Tengo, The Decemberist, Cat Power, SONIC YOUTH, Jesus and Mary Chain, The Faint, Stereo Total, The Velvet Underground, The Who, Hot Snakes, THE MURDER CITY DEVIL'S, Rudy Banes, First Place Youth Division, Le Tigre, Something About Vampires and Sluts, THE PIXIES, The Shins, Interpol, Elliott Smith, Enon, The Cure, Grandaddy, I like when I'm in the supermarket and a muzac version of a Blondie song comes on, I like steel drums in rock songs, synthetic sounds, sad songs, songs that tell stories, the new new shit, I love it when I'm watching a movie and a song I would never have liked on it's own has some kind of synergistic effect with the scene it's put to.


Anime all day, Huckabees, Buffalo 66, Gummo, 24 Hour Party People, Signs of Life, Le Citi Des Infant Perdue, Amalie, Waking Lie-f, X-Men 1 and 2, The Incredibles, Ghost in the Shell 1 and 2, Secretary, Happiness, Trainspotting, Fight Club, Stand By Me, Bottle Rocket, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Spiderman 2, Garden State, Y Tu Mama Tambien.
Directors: Jarmusch, Chronenberg, Wes Anderson, Cohen Bro's, Lynch, Tim Burton, Akira Kirasowa, Richard Linklater, Werner Herzog, Kevin Smith, Jean Jeunet, Spike Jones, Danny Boyle, Clint Eastwood, Harmony Korine.


She got a T.V. eye on me.


The Elegant Universe, The Fabric of the Cosmos, "scaarmturse", Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Lolita, Journey to the End of the Night, Death on the installment plan, Life of Pi, CATCH 22, Ham on Rye, The White Mountains, Cats Cradle, Anything by Tom Robbins, The Dahrma Bums, the Tao Te Ching, 100 years of solitude, Neuromancer, Count Zero, All Tomorow's Parties, Mona Lisa Overdrive, Please Kill Me, All the pretty horses, The Lord of the Rings stuff, The Time Travelers Wife. I also like to read: The Yellow Pages, Cereal Boxes, Religious Pamphlets, Other Peoples Diaries/Journals, Restaurant and Movie Reviews, E-mails, the occasional comic book, and my trusty pocket german dictionary.


"We dont need another hero" -Tina Turner