WELL MY FAMILY,MY BABY(LOVE U)AND MY FRIENDS..AnD RiGHt Now SchOoL....I CuRReNtlY Am WoRkIng On My EMT/PARaMedIc(el CamInO CoLLeGe SpriNg 2008) StuFf Th ReaSON I ChoOsE ThIs Is Cus One I LiKe IT AnD TwO Cus I EnJoY DoINg It..... MY OthER THiNg Is COMpUtEr SciEnCe IM TaKiNg THe BaSiCs...ThIs I ChoOse CuS IM A NeRd At HeArT 3 LOL . AnD DanCiNg Cus Itz InMy BlOOd
God (but not anytime soon). and Id like to meet Don omar because he is such a talented man who songs inspire me and motivate me as well as makes me feel like he knows me and Because he Is FIne As CaN Be.and John Travolta because hes a great actor id also like to meet ice cube!!!
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ThIs Is My BitTer HalF....LOL
DOn Omar and BoB MarLey All da way baby and Beyonce too!!I also Love Talib Kweli and Swizz Beats something you probably didnt know about me.AlOT OF My MuSic ChoIceS ArE MissY HIGGens,ALicia KeyS,NIClEBaCk,+44, MuSIq SOuL ChiLD, MArY MaRY,YoLAnDa ADamS,Ivy QuEen, ALL THe MarLey Son's,DestiNys ChiLd, AloT OlDIes,KoRn, MaRIlYn ManSon(a Few SoNGs),Lil WayNe (SoMe SOnGs),TiTO El BamBiNo, I Also LiKE CruNk, PoP, RoCk All TYPeS,R&b, RaP, ReGgAe, ReGgEtoN,Ect
All MOviEs With Dakota FannIng, Denzel Washington, all ROckY mOviEs, all JOhn Travolta Movies, El CanTanTe, Ice CuBe MOvIes,TylEr PerRy, BeLLy, ShoTTas, KnOckeD Up, TraNsFoRmErs,The KinGdom,You me and Dupree, GooD LUCk ChuCk,AmErIcaN GanGsTer,SpIdeR MaN MoVies,
NFL,La fella mas bella, GirlFriEnds, OprAh, The News Cuz I LikE To KNOW WhaTs GoiNG On IN The World anD AlSo 20/20 and 60 MiNutes
Widow, Momma Black, Pimp, The Farm, any books by Alice Walker. I Like BioGrapHIes and ALsO FiCtiOn Mixed WIth Real LiFe Events BooKs.
The women in my family MostLy My MOM and My AuNT!! and beyonce...lol!! AnD OF COuRse My uNcle MariO(RIP) and My UnClE (I WonT MEnTiOn His NaME)whO Is a FIghTiNG CanCer..... AnD We GoNnA KEeP FiGhTiNg!!!