I believe it is about time for me to update my "ABOUT ME" section since a lot has happened in the past few months. Well just for the basics are that I am CHRISTIAN (that is actively and forever will be following the most HIGH TRIUNE GOD!!!) who is a 23 year old graduate student (2 more semesters!!!!!) at Rutgers University from KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI not KANSAS. I love God and I thank Him everyday for giving me a second chance to truly live my life the way He planned. Im growing more and more everyday to become a better follower of Christ and that is my focus right now besides school. God is truly growing me up and showing my true self, the beauty and the beast within me. I still make mistakes that Im not proud of and constantly thanking the Lord for conviction and forgiveness. But that doesn't mean to "act out" on purpose, though...He's not a fool, He knows His true sheep and they are called by name. If we truly understood the POWER of our Savior and King, we wouldnt even be playing around, trying to be friends with the world and fully worshiping and living for the Kind that truly deserves it. This walk is NOT a GAME...like I always say "either you are with Christ or you not"