Finally, I've got my arse into gear and joined the Myspace family!I love drinking tea out of my Tinkerbell mug whilst sitting in my pink star dressing gown - that pretty much sums me up! I live in my own Kerry bubble land alot of the time but my friends love me for it!
I totally love my boyfriend Lee who is AMAZING and we live together in Kent. He made me love Millwall and i love going with him to watch the games even though sometimes we lose and its freeeeezing!!
I love animals especially sheep and monkeys no idea why cause they both stink but they are cute! I love all things Betty Boop and have lots of Betty things dotted around the flat much to Lee's dismay!
My favourite person in the world apart from Lee is my sister Robyn, she is 11 and is such a cool chick - very grown up before her years and the only other person in the world who 'gets me'!!